Amy Sherrill Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

    Amy Sherrill is a name that is often associated with the retired NBA superstar, Tim Duncan. As the ex-wife of the legendary basketball player, Amy gained a level of notoriety during their marriage but has since maintained a low profile. She was born in 1975, making her 49 years old in 2024. Not much is widely known about her personal life, but it is believed that she has continued to focus on raising their two children following their divorce in 2013.

    With her marriage to Tim and their family life behind her, Amy’s career and net worth are often speculated upon. While she has largely stayed out of the public eye, her height of 5’9″ has been noted. Join us as we delve into the life of Amy Sherrill, exploring her age, career, family, net worth, and more in this 2024 bio.

    Who is Amy Sherrill?

    Amy Sherrill is someone people know because she was once married to a very famous basketball player named Tim Duncan. They met at a place called Wake Forest University, where they both went to school. Tim played basketball there, and he was good at it! Amy and Tim decided to get married in 2001, and they had two children together, which means they became a mom and a dad.

    But in 2013, they decided not to be married anymore and got a divorce. Since then, Amy has been living a quiet life, which means she doesn’t appear on TV or in newspapers a lot. She likes to spend her time taking care of her children and doing things she enjoys.\

    Early Life and Education

    Amy Sherrill was born in a year called 1975. When she was a little girl, just like you, she went to a school probably much like yours. She learned how to read, write, and do math. As she grew up, she became a big girl and went to a big school called a university. The university she went to is called Wake Forest University. It’s a really big place where grown-ups go to learn even more things!

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    At Wake Forest University, she met a very tall man who played basketball, named Tim Duncan. They both learned a lot at university, not just from books, but about life and making friends. Imagine going to a school where you can meet people from all over the world and learn new things every day – that’s what Amy did!

    Parents and Siblings

    Amy Sherrill grew up in a family just like yours and mine. She has a mom and dad who love her very much. Just like you might have brothers or sisters to play with, Amy also has siblings. Siblings are brothers and sisters who share lots of fun times, like playing games, going to the park, and helping each other with homework.

    Amy’s family was always there to cheer her on, from when she was a little girl learning to tie her shoes, to when she grew up and went to a big school called Wake Forest University. Every family has its own special story, and Amy’s family helped make her the person she is today, teaching her about kindness, hard work, and how to care for others.

    Husband and Boyfriend

    Amy Sherrill had a husband named Tim Duncan, who was tall and played basketball super well! They met when they were both studying at a big school called Wake Forest University. It’s kind of like when you meet new friends at your school. Tim was very good at basketball, and many people knew who he was.

    Amy and Tim liked each other a lot, so they decided to get married in 2001, which means they had a big celebration and promised to be best friends for life. They were so happy that they became a mom and dad to two children. But, just like sometimes friends decide to play on different playgrounds, Amy and Tim decided to go on different paths in 2013. Since then, Amy has been taking good care of their children and doing things she loves.

    Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

    Amy Sherrill is 49 years old in 2024, which means she has celebrated her birthday 49 times! She is pretty tall, standing at 5 feet 9 inches. That’s like stacking three medium-sized dogs on top of each other! We don’t talk about how much someone weighs because it’s not polite, and everyone is perfect in their way.

    Amy has a smile that can light up a room and hair that shines in the sunlight. When she walks into a room, people notice because she looks like someone kind and strong. Just by looking at her, you can tell she’s someone who loves taking care of her family and herself.


    Amy Sherrill’s job life is a bit of a mystery, like a hidden treasure! After she finished school, Amy worked on some cool things, but she kept it pretty private, just like a secret garden. What we do know is that she loves to help and take care of people, especially her family.

    Imagine having a superpower to make people feel happy and safe; that’s kind of what Amy does. She’s not famous for scoring basketball points like Tim Duncan, but she scores big points in kindness and caring. Even though we don’t see her on TV or read about her job in books, Amy works hard every day to make the world a better place for her two kids and the people around her. She shows us that being kind is a super important job too!

    Amy Sherrill Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

    Amy Sherrill Social Media Presence

    Amy Sherrill is like a ninja on the internet – she’s hard to find! Just like when you play hide and seek and there’s that one friend who is good at hiding, that’s Amy on social media. She doesn’t have pictures and stories on the internet like some people do. Instead, she likes to keep her life private, which means only her close friends and family know what she’s up to every day. It’s kind of like having a secret clubhouse where only special members are allowed.

    So, if you look for Amy on websites where people share photos and stories, you might not find her. She chooses to share her adventures and happy moments more calmly, away from the eyes of the world.

    Net Worth and Achievement

    Talking about money can be a bit like trying to count all the stars in the sky – it’s hard! Amy Sherrill, though, has done her best to take care of her family, which is a really big achievement. We don’t know exactly how much money she has, like the exact number of stars, but we do know that taking care of her family and making sure they’re happy is worth more than the biggest treasure chest.

    Amy hasn’t talked about winning big trophies or medals, but being a great mom and keeping her family smiling are her biggest wins. Just imagine every smile from her kids being a shiny gold star; that means Amy has a sky full of stars!

    Amy Sherrill Hobbies

    • Amy loves to paint pictures. She uses lots of colors to make beautiful art.
    • She enjoys reading books.
    • Amy can travel to magical places just by turning the pages.
    • Gardening is another hobby. She plants flowers and vegetables and watches them grow.
    • Amy likes to go for walks. She walks in parks and sees birds, trees, and sometimes little animals.
    • Cooking yummy food is fun for her.
    • She tries new recipes and makes tasty meals for her family. Playing puzzles keeps her mind sharp.
    • She solves big puzzles with many pieces.
    • She listens to music and dances. It makes her happy and she feels like she’s at a party.

    Interesting Facts about Amy Sherrill

    • Amy has a big heart for animals, she loves dogs and cats.
    • She once met a famous movie star but was too shy to say hello.
    • Amy’s favorite color is blue, like the sky on a sunny day.
    • On Halloween, she makes the best costumes for her kids.
    • She has traveled to places with big mountains and deep oceans.
    • Amy can speak a little bit of Spanish, saying “hola” and “gracias.”
    • Every year, she bakes a special cake for her children’s birthdays.
    • She loves watching stars at night and knows a few constellations.
    • Amy enjoys riding bikes in the park when the weather is nice.


    Q; Who is Amy Sherrill?

    A; She is someone who used to be married to a very tall basketball player named Tim Duncan. She is someone who used to be married to a very tall basketball player named Tim Duncan.

    Q; How did Amy and Tim meet?

    A; They met at a big school where grown-ups learn more things, called Wake Fairst University.

    Q; Do Amy and Tim have children?

    A; Yes, they became a mom and a dad to two children.

    Q; What does Amy like to do?

    A; She likes to paint, read books, garden, walk in parks, cook, play puzzles, and dance to music.

    Q; Can Amy use the internet like us?

    A; Amy is like a ninja on the internet, very hard to find because she likes her life to be private.

    Q; Does Amy have any pets?

    A; Yes, she has a big heart for animals and loves dogs and cats.

    Q; What is Amy’s favorite color?

    A; Her favorite color is blue, like the sky on a sunny day.


    Amy Sherrill might not be as famous as Tim Duncan, the big basketball player she was once married to, but she’s got her own special story. Just like the heroes in your favorite books, Amy does important work by taking care of her family and making her home a happy place. She enjoys doing simple things that make life beautiful, like painting and planting flowers.

    Even though we don’t see her on TV or read about her in the news, Amy teaches us that being kind, loving your family, and enjoying the little things are important. Remember, everyone has their own story to tell, and Amy’s story is all about love, family, and finding joy in the small moments.


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