Annie Bakes Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Annie Bakes, also known as Anicka Bakes, has led an eventful life filled with various highs and lows. She gained public attention for her marriage to former professional basketball player Dennis Rodman in 1992, and their brief union produced a daughter named Alexis. However, Annie is more than just a famous ex-wife. She has also made a name for herself as a model, showcasing her natural beauty and talent on the runway.

Over the years, she has been in the spotlight for her tumultuous relationship with Rodman, but she has also maintained her own identity and career outside of their marriage. As we enter 2024, fans and followers are curious about Annie Bakes’ current age, career, family, net worth, and height. Let’s take a closer look at the life and achievements of this intriguing personality.

Who Is Annie Bakes?

Annie Bakes is someone who many people know about because she was once married to a very famous basketball player named Dennis Rodman. But Annie is special for many reasons of her own! She was a model, which means she got to wear really pretty dresses and pose for pictures that appeared in magazines. Imagine getting to dress up in beautiful outfits every day for your job! That’s what Annie did.

She also shared her story by writing a book, letting everyone know about her adventures and what she learned from them. Annie has a daughter, which means she’s also a mom, taking care of her child and teaching her all sorts of important things in life. Annie Bakes has done a lot of cool stuff and has shared some of her life with the world.

Early Life and Education

Imagine when you were a little kid, going to school for the first time with a backpack that’s almost as big as you are. That’s a bit what it was like for Annie Bakes when she was young, too. She started going to school just like you, learning her ABCs and 123s. School is a place where you meet your first friends, learn to share, and find out all kinds of interesting things about the world. Annie went through all of that, too.

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She went to different schools as she got older, just like you’ll go from grade to grade. And as she grew up, she learned a lot, not just from books, but from all the experiences she had. School helped Annie become smart and ready for the world, just like it’s doing for you right now.

Parents and Siblings

Annie Bakes grew up in a family with her parents and siblings, just like you might have a family with your mom, dad, and maybe brothers or sisters. Imagine having someone at home who is always there to play with you or someone who sometimes annoys you but still loves you a lot. That’s what having siblings is like.

Annie’s parents were the ones who took care of her, made sure she was happy, and helped her grow up to be the person she is today. They were always there to cheer her on, just like your parents do for you when you’re at a sports game or in a school play. We don’t know much about her brothers or sisters, but just like you, her family was very important to her.

Husband and Boyfriend

Annie Bakes once had a very special friend named Dennis Rodman. Dennis was good at playing basketball – he could jump super high and was very strong! Annie and Dennis liked each other a lot. They decided to get married. This meant they had a big party to celebrate their love and promised to take care of each other.

Annie Bakes Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

They got married in a year that might sound old to you, 1992! Together, they had a daughter, which is like having a best friend that’s also your family. But, sometimes, even when people care about each other a lot, they find out they are better as friends. So, Annie and Dennis decided to end their marriage and obtained a divorce in 1993. But they both kept being awesome parents to their daughter.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Annie Bakes is a lady who once was very famous for being in pictures in magazines and being married to a basketball star. If we talk about how old she is, think about how many birthdays you’ve had and then imagine a lot more, because she’s an adult. We don’t know her exact age right now, but she’s been around since before you were born!

Annie is also quite tall. She’s as tall as some of the tallest people you might know. She’s always looked very nice because, as a model, she had to make sure she was always looking her best. She has a kind smile and hair that sometimes shines like the sun. Annie has taken good care of herself, so even though she’s not modeling anymore, she still looks very nice.

Annie Bakes Career

Annie Bakes was a model, which means she got to dress up in pretty clothes and take pictures for magazines. Being a model is like being a princess every day because you wear fancy dresses and look beautiful. Annie started modeling when she was very young. She traveled to different places, met lots of interesting people, and saw new things because of her job.

Being a model is hard work. You may have to stand for a long time and smile even if you’re tired. But, Annie liked it. She also wrote a book about her life, which is a big deal because not everyone can write a book. It’s like sharing your diary with the whole world. Annie isn’t modeling now. But, people remember her for taking beautiful pictures and sharing her story in her book.

Annie Bakes Social Media Presence

Annie Bakes likes to use the internet to share parts of her life, but she’s not super active like some other famous people. She might post a picture or talk about something important to her once in a while. Annie uses websites where lots of people share photos and stories, like Instagram and Twitter, but she likes to keep some things private. This means she chooses carefully what to share with everyone.

Many people are curious about her. This is because she married Dennis Rodman and modeled. So, sometimes, she gives little peeks into her world. She shows a beautiful sunset or a yummy meal. But, she doesn’t share everything. She thinks it’s important to have secrets that are hers.

Net Worth and Achievement

Annie Bakes made money from her work as a model. Even though we don’t know exactly how much money she has, people think she has a good amount because she was a model for a long time. Models take pictures for magazines and wear clothes for designers to show to people who buy clothes. Annie also wrote a book about her life, which probably helped her earn more money.

One big thing Annie did was write a book. This is a huge achievement because writing a book takes a lot of work. You have to think about what you want to say, write it down, and then make sure it’s all correct. It’s like when you work really hard on a project for school and feel proud after you finish it. That’s how Annie must have felt when her book was done.

Annie Bakes Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Annie Bakes Hobbies

  • Annie Bakes loves to read books. Just like when you find a story that takes you on adventures, she enjoys stories too.
  • She likes to cook yummy food. Imagine making cookies or a big cake for your friends and family. That’s something Annie enjoys.
  • Going for walks outside is one of her favorite things. It’s like when you play in the park and see all the birds and trees.
  • Annie also likes taking pictures, kind of like when you try to capture a moment with a camera or a phone so you can remember it forever.
  • Gardening is another hobby of hers. She plants flowers and watches them grow, just like magic from the soil.

Interesting Facts about Annie Bakes

  • Annie once had a job where she got to wear beautiful clothes and be in pictures, just like a princess.
  • She wrote a book, which is like sharing a big, long story with the whole world.
  • Annie loves to share parts of her life on the internet, but she also keeps some secrets, making her life a bit like a mystery.
  • She has traveled to many places because of her modeling job, kind of like going on a treasure hunt but for beautiful places and people.
  • Annie and Dennis Rodman, her once special friend, had a big party. They had it to celebrate their love when they got married.
  • She’s not only beautiful but also a mom, which means she takes care of her daughter, teaching her all kinds of important things.


Q; How did Annie Bakes become famous?

A; She was a model and married a famous basketball player, Dennis Rodman.

Q; Does Annie Bakes have any children?

A; Yes, she has a daughter named Alexis with Dennis Rodman.

Q; What does Annie Bakes like to do for fun?

A; She enjoys reading books, cooking, walking outside, taking pictures, and gardening.

Q; Did Annie Bakes write a book?

A; Yes, she wrote a book about her life.

Q; How does Annie Bakes share her life with people?

A; She uses the internet but likes to keep some things private.

Q; Was Annie Bakes always a model?

A; She started modeling when she was young and traveled a lot because of her job.

Q; Can Annie Bakes be found on social media?

A; Yes, but she only shares a little bit about her life there.


In this blog, we learned a lot about Annie Bakes. We found out that she used to be married to Dennis Rodman, a famous basketball player, and they have a daughter together. Annie was also a model. We talked about where she came from, her family, and even what she likes to do for fun.

We also discovered things like how tall she is and how she uses social media to stay in touch with people. Even though Annie and Dennis are not together anymore, Annie has done a lot of interesting things in her life. It’s cool to learn about someone’s life story, isn’t it? I hope you had fun reading about Annie Bakes just like I had fun telling you about her!


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