Arthur Clutterbuck Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Welcome to our blog post about Arthur Clutterbuck, the son of renowned English actor Andrew Lincoln and former actress Gael Anderson. Born in 2010, Arthur is now 14 years old and has been largely kept out of the spotlight by his parents, who value their family’s privacy. As a result, there is limited public information available about him, making him somewhat of a mystery to the public.

In this post, we will dive into Arthur’s age, family background, potential career aspirations, net worth, and height. Despite his young age, Arthur comes from a talented and successful family, with his father best known for his role on “The Walking Dead” and his mother being the daughter of Jethro Tull’s lead vocalist. So, let’s explore the life of Arthur Clutterbuck in 2024 and see what the future holds for this rising star.

Who is Arthur Clutterbuck?

Arthur Clutterbuck is a young boy with a famous family. His dad, Andrew Lincoln, acts in a show where he fights zombies, and his mom, Gael Anderson, used to act too. Arthur’s grandpa sings in a rock band called Jethro Tull.

Even though Arthur is only 14 years old in 2024, many people don’t know much about him. His mom and dad want to keep his life private, which means they don’t share a lot of information about him with the world. Arthur goes to school and has hobbies just like any other kid, but because he’s still young, he hasn’t decided on a career yet. Arthur has a special family, and maybe one day, he’ll decide to be an actor like his dad or do something different.

Early Life and Education

Arthur Clutterbuck was born in 2010, which means he turned 14 years old in 2024. He’s growing up in a family full of talented people! His dad acts on TV and his grandpa sings in a band. As for school, Arthur goes just like any other kid his age.

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Because his parents keep his life private, we don’t know the name of his school, but he’s probably learning all the subjects kids learn at his age, like math, science, reading, and art. Maybe he even acts in school plays or learns music, considering his family loves acting and music. We don’t know much about his school friends or favorite subjects, but he’s surely making lots of memories and learning new things every day.

Parents and Siblings

Arthur Clutterbuck has a cool dad named Andrew Lincoln who acts in a show where he pretends to fight zombies. His mom, Gael Anderson, used to act too but now she loves to spend time with Arthur and his family. Arthur’s grandpa, Ian Anderson, sings and plays flute in a rock band named Jethro Tull, which makes music a big part of Arthur’s family.

He has a sister named Matilda who is his buddy and they probably play and learn together a lot. Arthur and Matilda’s parents love them very much and want to keep them safe and happy, away from too many cameras and people they don’t know. They like to keep things like family birthdays and fun times just between them.

Arthur Clutterbuck Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Wife and Girlfriend

Arthur Clutterbuck is just 14 years old, so he’s too young to have a wife or a girlfriend. He’s at an age where many kids enjoy playing with friends, learning new things in school, and spending time with their families. Arthur might have friends who are girls, but right now, he’s probably more focused on being a kid, having fun, and maybe even discovering hobbies he likes.

Kids need to enjoy their childhood and not rush into grown-up stuff too quickly. Arthur has plenty of time to think about dating when he’s older. Right now, he can have fun being a young teenager and doing lots of cool kid stuff.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Arthur Clutterbuck is 14 years old in 2024. He’s a teenager who might be getting taller very fast, just like when you mark your height on the wall and see how much you’ve grown! We don’t know exactly how tall he is or how much he weighs because his parents like to keep his life private.

But, imagine he might be as tall as some of your friends at school or even taller! Arthur probably looks a lot like his dad, Andrew Lincoln, with maybe the same smile or eyes. Since he’s growing up, he might be changing a lot, like when you outgrow your favorite sneakers or suddenly find your jeans are too short. Just like you, Arthur is growing up and might be surprising his family with how quickly he’s changing!


Arthur Clutterbuck is still a young teenager, so he doesn’t have a job like adults do. Instead of working, he spends his days learning in school, playing, and discovering what he loves to do. Just like you might dream about becoming a firefighter, a doctor, or even an astronaut, Arthur might be dreaming about his future too.

Maybe he thinks about acting like his dad or making music like his grandpa. Or perhaps he has a different dream we don’t know about yet. Since he’s only 14, he has lots of time to decide what he wants to be when he grows up. Right now, his “career” is being a student and having as much fun as he can while learning new things every day.

Arthur Clutterbuck Social Media Presence

Arthur Clutterbuck is private, which means he’s not on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook like some other kids might be. His mom and dad want to keep family moments just for them, not for the whole world to see. So, if you’re looking for pictures or stories about what Arthur likes to do for fun, you won’t find them on the internet.

Instead, Arthur enjoys his life away from lots of clicks and likes, playing and learning new things every day without worrying about posting it online. Just imagine having adventures and making memories without having to share them with everyone – that’s how Arthur and his family like it!

Net Worth and Achievement

Arthur Clutterbuck is still a kid, so he doesn’t have his own money like grown-ups do. His dad, Andrew Lincoln, and his mom, Gael Anderson, take care of him and buy him what he needs. Since Arthur is just 14, he hasn’t started a job yet, so he doesn’t have a net worth. Net worth is how much money and stuff you own.

Instead of making money, Arthur is learning and playing, which is super important for kids. Even though he hasn’t won big awards or earned money, Arthur is doing great in being a kid. He has the achievement of growing up in a loving family and maybe learning cool things from his dad and grandpa. That’s pretty awesome for someone his age!

Arthur Clutterbuck Hobbies

  • Arthur likes to play outside with his friends. They run, jump, and laugh a lot.
  • He enjoys drawing and painting, making colorful pictures of his family and pets.
  • Arthur loves reading stories about adventures and heroes, getting lost in books for hours.
  • He’s curious about music and sometimes tries to play the flute like his grandpa.
  • Playing video games is fun for Arthur, especially ones where he can go on quests.
  • He likes to build things, using blocks or Legos to make tall towers and cool cars.
  • When it’s raining, Arthur enjoys watching movies with his sister, Matilda, with lots of popcorn.

Interesting Facts About Arthur Clutterbuck

  • Arthur was born in a year when a big soccer event happened.
  • Even though his family is famous, not many people know his favorite color.
  • Arthur has a pet but we don’t know if it’s a dog or a cat.
  • He might have a secret talent like singing, but only his family knows for sure.
  • His grandpa can play the flute while standing on one leg, and Arthur thinks that’s cool.
  • Sometimes, Arthur and his sister make up their secret language.
  • He loves birthday cake, especially if it has lots of chocolate on it.


Q: Who is Arthur Clutterbuck’s dad?

A: His dad is Andrew Lincoln, who pretends to fight zombies on TV.

Q: How old is Arthur?

A: Arthur is 14 years old in 2024.

Q: Does Arthur have any brothers or sisters?

A: Yes, he has a sister named Matilda.

Q: What does Arthur like to do for fun?

A: He likes playing outside, drawing, and reading stories.

Q: Is Arthur on Instagram or Facebook?

A: No, Arthur doesn’t have Instagram or Facebook.

Q: Can Arthur play any musical instruments?

A: He’s curious about music and sometimes tries to play the flute like his grandpa.

Q: What’s Arthur’s favorite type of cake?

A: He loves birthday cake, especially with lots of chocolate.


Arthur Clutterbuck is a special kid with a family full of talented people. Even though he’s only 14 and we don’t know a lot about him, it’s clear he’s got a fun and interesting life ahead. Arthur goes to school, plays with his sister Matilda, and enjoys lots of hobbies like drawing, reading, and maybe even playing the flute like his grandpa.

He’s not on social media, so he spends more time having real adventures. Arthur is growing up with love and learning lot from his cool family. Who knows? Maybe one day he’ll choose to be an actor like his dad or a musician like his grandpa. No matter what, Arthur’s journey is just beginning, and it sounds like a great adventure!


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