Deja Jackson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

At just 30 years old, Deja Jackson is already making a name for herself as the daughter of hip-hop legend, Ice Cube. Born in 1994 to Ice Cube and his wife, Kimberly Woodruff, Deja is the third child in a family of five siblings. While her older brother O’Shea Jackson Jr. has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry, Deja has chosen to maintain a more low-key lifestyle.

However, as she approaches her late twenties, fans are curious to know more about Deja’s personal life and career pursuits. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Deja Jackson’s age, family background, possible career ventures, net worth, and height, as well as what we can expect from her in the future. Keep reading to learn more about this rising star, Deja Jackson.

Who Is Deja Jackson?

Deja Jackson is a special person because her dad is Ice Cube, a very famous music star. She was born in 1994, which means she has celebrated many birthdays since then! Deja has a big family with two brothers and two sisters. Her family is full of love and talent. Unlike her brother O’Shea, who acts in movies, Deja likes to keep things quiet. She doesn’t show up on TV or in movies like some of her family. Instead, she enjoys a peaceful life away from lots of cameras and fans. Deja loves spending time with her family and doing things that make her happy. She’s a bit of a mystery, and that’s just how she likes it!

Early Life and Education

Deja Jackson grew up in a house filled with music and laughter because of her dad, Ice Cube, who makes cool songs and movies. Imagine dancing around your living room to fun beats! That was part of Deja’s childhood. She went to school just like you, where she learned to read, write, and do all sorts of interesting things.

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In school, Deja made friends, played games during recess, and worked hard on her homework. Even though she was part of a famous family, she still had to study for tests and finish her projects on time. School helped Deja learn a lot, not just from books, but about being a good friend and working together with others. Growing up, Deja also learned important lessons at home, like how to be kind and how to share, which are just as important as the stuff you learn in school.

Parents and Siblings

Deja Jackson’s mom and dad are pretty special. Her dad is Ice Cube, who sings songs and acts in movies. Her mom’s name is Kimberly Woodruff, and she is very nice. Deja has a big family with two brothers and two sisters. Her big brother’s name is O’Shea Jackson Jr., and he acts in movies, just like a hero in your favorite story.

She also has another brother named Darrell, and a sister named Karima. Then there’s Shareef, who loves to learn new things. They all have a lot of fun together, playing games and telling stories. Imagine having a family where everyone has different talents, like a team of superheroes. That’s what Deja’s family is like, a team where everyone is special in their way.

Husband and Boyfriend

Deja Jackson keeps her heart secrets just like she keeps other parts of her life. This means we don’t know if she has a husband or a boyfriend. Just like in stories where some characters keep treasures hidden, Deja keeps this part of her story to herself. It’s like a secret garden where only she can go.

Remember how some people have best friends they share secrets with? Maybe Deja has someone special, but it’s her private story. We all have things we keep just for us, and for Deja, who she loves is one of those special secrets. Just like you might have a secret handshake or a best friend you whisper secrets to, Deja has her private smiles and stories.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Deja Jackson is a big girl because she is 30 years old. That means she has had 30 birthdays with cakes and candles! We don’t know exactly how much she weighs or how tall she is because she likes to keep things about herself private. What we do know is that she looks a lot like her dad, Ice Cube, with a bright smile that lights up the room.

Deja doesn’t tell us about her height or weight, and that’s okay because those numbers are just numbers. What’s important is that she’s healthy and happy. Even without knowing every detail, we can imagine Deja being strong and beautiful, just like her family. She doesn’t need to stand in front of a camera for us to know that she’s special just the way she is.

Deja Jackson Career

Deja Jackson has chosen a very different path from her famous dad, Ice Cube, and her brother, O’Shea. She doesn’t act in movies or sing songs. Instead, Deja likes to keep her work life very private, just like she does with most things about herself. We don’t see her on TV or hear her on the radio, but that’s okay! Deja is happy doing things her way.

While we don’t know exactly what her job is, we can guess she’s doing something she loves. She shows us that it’s okay to have a quiet job, away from bright lights and loud music. Deja is making her own path, and even though we don’t know much about it, we’re sure she’s doing great things!

Social Media Presence

Deja Jackson likes to keep her life a little bit secret, and this includes what she does on the internet. You might wonder, “Is Deja Jackson sharing pictures or stories online like many of us do?” Well, Deja chooses not to be very busy on places like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook where people share a lot of their life.

She enjoys keeping things quiet and not posting lots of photos or updates about what she’s doing every day. This means, if you try to look for her on social media to see what she’s up to, you might not find much. But that’s okay! Deja likes it this way, and it makes her happy to have a peaceful space away from the busy online world.

Net Worth and Achievement

Deja Jackson might not be famous like her dad or her brother, but she still has her own money. People are very interested in how much money she has, but it’s a bit of a secret. Deja doesn’t talk much about how much money she has, and she hasn’t told us about big prizes she has won.

Even though we don’t know the exact number of dollars in her piggy bank, we can guess she has some because her family is very successful. Deja’s dad, Ice Cube, has made a lot of great music and movies, so it’s safe to think Deja has enough to buy lots of ice cream and toys if she wants. But remember, the most important thing about Deja isn’t how much money she has; it’s about the happy and quiet life she enjoys with her family and pets.

Deja Jackson Hobbies

  • Deja Jackson loves to read books. She enjoys stories that take her on adventures.
  • She also likes to draw and paint. Her pictures are full of colors and fun shapes.
  • Deja enjoys listening to music, just like her dad. She has a favorite playlist that she listens to over and over.
  • Going on walks outside is another hobby of hers. She loves to see the trees and the sky.
  • Playing with her pets is something Deja does every day. She has a dog and a cat that she loves very much.
  • She likes to cook with her mom. They make yummy food together in the kitchen.
  • Deja enjoys spending time with her brothers and sisters. They play games and tell each other stories.

Interesting Facts About Deja Jackson

  • Deja’s dad is famous for singing and acting.
  • She was born in a big year, 1994.
  • Deja has four brothers and sisters. They are a big, happy family.
  • Unlike her brother who acts in movies, Deja likes to stay away from the camera.
  • She loves doing quiet things like reading and painting.
  • Deja enjoys music a lot, probably because her dad makes music too.
  • She likes to go for walks and see all the pretty things in nature.
  • Playing with her dog and cat is one of her favorite things to do.
  • Cooking with her mom is special to her. They make tasty food together.
  • Deja has fun playing games and sharing stories with her brothers and sisters.


Q: How old is Deja Jackson?

A: She turned 30 years old.

Q: Does Deja Jackson act like her brother?

A: No, she likes to stay away from cameras.

Q: What does Deja Jackson like to do for fun?

A: She loves reading, drawing, and playing with her pets.

Q: Is Deja Jackson on TV?

A: No, she likes a quiet life without being on TV.

Q: Who is Deja Jackson’s dad?

A: Her dad is Ice Cube, a famous music and movie star.

Q: Does Deja Jackson have brothers and sisters?

A: Yes, she has four siblings.

Q: What are some things Deja does with her family?

A: She cooks with her mom and plays games with her brothers and sisters.


In the end, Deja Jackson is a really interesting person with a lot of fun hobbies. Even though her dad is super famous, Deja likes to do things her way, away from all the cameras and lights. She loves being with her family, playing with her pets, making art, and cooking yummy food. We might not see her on TV like her brother, but that doesn’t make her any less special.

Deja shows us that being true to yourself and enjoying the simple things in life is important. Remember, it’s cool to make your path and find happiness in what you love to do.


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