Delilah Fishburne Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Delilah Fishburne may only be 17 years old, but she already has a strong connection to Hollywood through her famous parents, Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres. Born in June 2007, Delilah has grown up surrounded by the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry. However, unlike her parents, she has chosen to stay out of the public eye and lead a more private life.

This has led to limited information being available about Delilah’s personal life, including her age, career, and net worth. Despite this, it is clear that Delilah has a strong support system in her family, who are both accomplished actors in their own right. As for her height, it is currently unknown, but as she grows and potentially follows in her parents’ footsteps, we can expect to see more of Delilah Fishburne in the future.

Who Is Delilah Fishburne?

Delilah Fishburne is a girl whose mom and dad are famous movie and TV stars. Her dad, Laurence, is known for fighting in a movie where he wears a long coat and sunglasses, and her mom, Gina, plays a strong lady lawyer on TV. Delilah was born when the year was halfway done in 2007, making her a special summer baby. Unlike her mom and dad, Delilah likes to keep things quiet and not be in front of cameras all the time. She enjoys being a kid, learning at school, and spending fun times with her family. Even though she’s young and we don’t see her in movies or on TV, she’s part of a very loving and talented family.

Early Life and Education

Delilah Fishburne has been learning a lot since she was very little. When she was a tiny baby, she began to hear stories from her mom and dad. Now that she’s older, she goes to a school. We don’t know the name of her school because her family likes to keep things private, but we can guess it’s a good place where she learns lots of interesting stuff just like you do at your school.

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Delilah learns to read, write, and probably even about numbers and science. She also might learn about art and music, which are fun subjects where you get to draw and sing. Just like any other kid, Delilah has homework and school projects to do. She makes friends at school and learns new things every day, which helps her grow big and smart.

Parents and Siblings

Delilah’s mommy and daddy are very famous people. Her daddy, Laurence, acts in big movies where he does cool things like saving the world. He wears neat costumes and is very brave. Her mommy, Gina, is also in movies and on TV, where she pretends to be a lawyer and other strong characters. They both tell amazing stories through their acting.

Delilah has no brothers or sisters that we know about, so she might be the only kid in her family. She gets lots of love and attention from her mom and dad. They teach her how to be kind and smart, just like them. Delilah is very lucky to have such a loving and talented family!

Husband and Boyfriend

Delilah Fishburne is still a young girl, only 17 years old. She’s much too young to have a husband or a boyfriend. Instead of thinking about dating, Delilah spends her days learning new things at school, playing, and having fun with her friends and family. She’s enjoying being a teenager and doesn’t need to worry about grown-up things like relationships yet.

Just like any other kid her age, Delilah’s biggest adventures come from the stories she reads, the games she plays, and the dreams she dreams at night. Right now, her life is full of learning, laughter, and lots of love from her mom and dad.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Delilah Fishburne turned 17 in June. We don’t know exactly how tall she is, what she weighs, or all the tiny details about how she looks because she and her family choose to keep those things private. Delilah is growing up and changing just like you do! Every year, she gets a little taller and learns more things.

She might have her mom’s smile or her dad’s eyes, but since she’s not in pictures or on TV like her parents, we can only guess. What’s important is that Delilah is healthy, happy, and loved by her family. Just like you, she’s unique in her own way, and that’s what makes her special.

Delilah Fishburne Career

Right now, Delilah Fishburne doesn’t have a job like a grown-up because she’s only 17 years old. She’s still in school, learning about all sorts of cool things that could help her decide what she wants to do when she’s older. Maybe one day, she might think about being an actress like her mom, Gina, or her dad, Laurence, who are both very good at acting in movies and TV shows.

Or maybe she will choose to do something completely different. What’s neat is that Delilah has lots of choices for her future, just like you do! She can be anything she dreams of when she grows up, and right now, her job is to be the best student and daughter she can be.

Social Media Presence

Delilah Fishburne doesn’t use social media like some kids or grown-ups do. She and her family choose to keep their lives away from the internet world where everyone can see what they’re doing every day. This means you won’t find Delilah posting pictures of her breakfast or videos of her dancing in her room on places like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok.

Her mom and dad, who are movie and TV stars, want to make sure Delilah can play, learn, and grow up without lots of people watching all the time. So, if you’re looking to see what Delilah is up to, you won’t find her on your phone or computer. She’s busy being a kid in the real world, having fun with her family and friends.

Net Worth and Achievement

Delilah Fishburne is still very young, so she doesn’t have a job like adults do. That means she doesn’t earn money herself, so talking about a “net worth” doesn’t make sense for her. Her mom and dad, Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres, are the ones with jobs in movies and TV shows, and they work hard to make sure Delilah has everything she needs.

Delilah hasn’t won any big awards yet, but she has achieved a lot by just being a great daughter and a happy kid. She goes to school, learns new things every day, and enjoys spending time with her family. Those are pretty cool achievements for someone her age!

Delilah Fishburne Hobbies

  • Delilah likes to draw pictures. She uses lots of colors to make beautiful art.
  • She enjoys reading books. Fairy tales and adventure stories are her favorites.
  • laying outside is fun for Delilah. She loves to run, jump, and play games in the sun.
  • Delilah listens to music and sometimes dances in her room. It makes her happy.
  • She helps her mom and dad cook meals. They make tasty food together.
  • Delilah has fun playing with puzzles. She’s good at solving them.
  • She likes watching movies with her family. They have movie nights with popcorn.
  • Delilah loves animals. She enjoys learning about different kinds of animals and their homes.

Interesting Facts About Delilah Fishburne

  • Delilah has a summer birthday, which means she might celebrate it with outdoor parties and ice cream.
  • Even though her parents are famous, Delilah lives a life just like any other kid, going to school and playing with friends.
  • She might have traveled to cool places with her mom and dad for their movie shoots or vacations.
  • Delilah’s parents have played superheroes and strong characters, so she might have some awesome stories to tell at school.
  • Since Delilah is not on social media, she has more time to enjoy hobbies like drawing, reading, and playing outside.
  • She could have met some famous people through her parents but gets to have normal fun just like other kids.
  • Delilah learns to cook with her parents, making her a little chef in training.


Q1: How old is Delilah Fishburne?

A: She is 17 years old.

Q2:  Who are Delilah’s parents?

A: Her dad is Laurence Fishburne, and her mom is Gina Torres.

Q3:  Does Delilah have any brothers or sisters?

A: We don’t know about any brothers or sisters.

Q4: What does Delilah like to do for fun?

A: She likes to draw, read, play outside, listen to music, and cook with her parents.

Q5:  Is Delilah on TV or in movies?

A: No, she likes to keep her life private and not be in front of cameras.

Q6:  Can I find Delilah on Instagram or TikTok?

A: No, Delilah doesn’t use social media.

Q7:  Does Delilah go to school?

A: Yes, she goes to school just like other kids.


In wrapping up, Delilah Fishburne is a special young girl with famous parents, Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres. Even though we don’t hear much about Delilah because her mom and dad want to keep her life private, it’s clear she has a loving family. Delilah is growing up and learning just like any other kid, but she does so away from the spotlight.

We might not know what she wants to be when she grows up or what her favorite games are, but that’s okay. It’s important for kids to have their own space and privacy. What matters most is that Delilah is happy and loved. Remember, it’s cool to learn about famous families, but respecting their privacy is super important too!


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