Hasan Piker Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Hasan Piker’s name is becoming more known. He is in the world of online media and political commentary. Hasan was born on July 25, 1991. He has gained a big following for his progressive views and lively debates on current events. He is popular on Twitch and YouTube. He has also appeared on CNN and The Young Turks.

With his sharp wit and insightful analysis, Hasan has become a voice for many young people looking to stay informed and engaged in the world of politics. As his career continues to flourish, many are curious about the details of his personal life. From his family background to his net worth and height, let’s take a closer look at the life and journey of Hasan Piker.

Who Is Hasan Piker?

Hasan Piker is a man who talks about important things happening in the world on his computer. He shares his thoughts on a website called Twitch, where people watch him live, and on YouTube, where his videos stay so people can watch later. Hasan likes to talk about how to make the world better and shares his ideas with lots of people who enjoy listening to him.

He used to work at The Young Turks, where he also talked about news, but now he shares his thoughts on his channels. People like Hasan because he is funny and smart, and he helps them understand big problems readily. He also likes to chat with other people about their ideas and sometimes plays video games for fun.

Early Life and Education

Hasan Piker was born on a sunny day in July, in the year 1991. He grew up in a place called New Jersey, which is in the United States. When he was a little boy, just like you, Hasan went to school every day. He liked to learn about all sorts of things, but he was especially interested in how people can work together to make the world a better place.

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After he finished high school, Hasan decided he wanted to learn even more, so he went to a big school called Rutgers University. At university, he studied a lot about business and political science, which is all about how countries are run and how people can help make decisions for their communities. He worked really hard and learned so much that he became super smart and ready to share his ideas with the world.

Parents and Sibling

Hasan Piker comes from a family that loves and supports each other a lot. His mom and dad raised him and his brother in New Jersey. Hasan’s brother is named Murat and they like to spend time together, just like you might with your siblings or friends. Even though Hasan talks about grown-up things like politics and news now, once upon a time, he was a kid just like you, playing and learning from his parents.

His family comes from a place called Turkey, which is very far away across the ocean. Hasan’s mom and dad taught him to be kind and to care about other people, which is why he likes to talk about making the world a better place. Hasan and Murat grew up learning and playing together, and they still share many happy memories.

Hasan Piker Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Wife and Girlfriend

Hasan Piker is not married, so he doesn’t have a wife. Sometimes, people are curious about if Hasan has a girlfriend, but he likes to keep parts of his life private, which means he doesn’t share everything online.

Just like how you might have a secret spot for your favorite toys, Hasan keeps some details about who he might be dating just for himself. It’s important to remember that everyone, even people who share a lot online, can have private parts of their lives that they choose to keep just for them and their close friends and family. Hasan is like a big brother who shares lots of stories but also keeps some secrets safe.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Hasan Piker is a grown-up man who is 32 years old since he was born in 1991. He is taller than most people, standing at about 6 feet 4 inches tall! That’s like standing next to two large dogs stacked on top of each other. Hasan takes good care of himself and goes to the gym, so he is strong and healthy.

He has dark hair and a big smile that makes people feel happy when they see him. Sometimes, Hasan shows off his muscles on camera, which makes a lot of his fans cheer and laugh. Even though he spends a lot of time sitting down and talking to people on the internet, he makes sure to stay active and eat healthy foods so he can keep sharing his thoughts and ideas with everyone.


Hasan Piker’s job is to talk about news and share his thoughts on the internet. He started working at a place called The Young Turks, which is a big online news show. There, he talked about what was happening in the world and tried to help people understand it better. After some time, Hasan started his Twitch and YouTube channels.

Now, he makes videos and does live streams where he chats with people from all over the world. He talks about how we can make the world a nicer place for everyone. Hasan plays video games too and shows them to his viewers for fun. He works very hard but loves his job because he gets to help people think about important things and how to solve problems together.

Hasan Piker Social Media Presence

Hasan Piker loves to share his thoughts and fun moments on the internet where everyone can see them. He uses places like Twitch and YouTube, like big online playgrounds where people can watch videos and chat with each other.

On Twitch, Hasan plays games and talks about news live, like a show happening right now! He puts up videos on YouTube that stay there forever, so you can watch them anytime you want. Hasan also uses Twitter, a spot on the internet where he can write short notes to share his thoughts. He has lots of friends online who listen to what he says and watch his videos. It’s like having a huge group of pen pals from all over the world!

Hasan Piker Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Net Worth and Achievements

Hasan Piker is like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, he’s been finding lots of success! People think his treasure chest, which is what some adults call “net worth,” might have about 2 million dollars inside. That’s like if you had a piggy bank that was as big as a house! Hasan didn’t find this treasure under a rainbow.

Instead, he worked super hard by talking about important things on the internet and playing video games that people love to watch. He also won a big award called the 10th Streamy Awards in a category that celebrates how smart and helpful he is when he talks about news. It’s like getting a gold star in school, but even shinier because people all over the world can see it!

Hasan Piker Hobbies

  • Hasan Piker likes to lift heavy things at the gym to stay strong. It’s like playing superhero but for real.
  • He loves playing video games, just like you might. He plays them on the internet which other people can watch.
  • Hasan enjoys watching basketball games. It’s fun to cheer for his favorite teams and see them try to win.
  • He also likes to hang out with his dog. They go on walks together and play in the park.
  • Making cool videos for the internet is another hobby. He gets to be creative and share stories with people worldwide.
  • Hasan spends time reading books too. It helps him learn new things and get smart ideas to talk about.

Interesting Facts about Hasan Piker

  • Hasan once stayed awake for a long time, 80 hours, to watch all the “Lord of the Rings” movies because he liked them so much.
  • He can speak two languages, English and Turkish because his family comes from Turkey.
  • Hasan loves spicy food and once ate a super hot pepper on a dare from his friends.
  • He has a big collection of hats and likes to wear a different one almost daily.
  • Sometimes, Hasan does funny dances on his streams when he is happy or excited.
  • He once helped build a house for people who didn’t have one, showing he cares a lot about others.
  • Hasan’s favorite color is blue, which makes him feel calm and happy.


Q: Why does Hasan talk so much on the internet?

A: He likes to help people understand the world better.

Q: Does Hasan have any pets?

A: Yes, he has a dog he loves to play with.

Q: What games does Hasan play?

A: He plays many video games and shows them to people online.

Q: Can Hasan speak different languages?

A: Yes, he can speak English and Turkish.

Q: Why does Hasan like to go to the gym?

A: It helps him stay strong and healthy.

Q: Has Hasan won any awards?

A: Yes, he won a big award for being smart and helpful on the internet.

Q: What does Hasan do for fun?

A: He enjoys lifting weights, playing games, watching basketball, hanging out with his dog, making videos, and reading books.


In conclusion, Hasan Piker is a very busy and interesting person who talks about important things to help make the world a better place. He uses his computer to share his ideas with people everywhere, plays games that many enjoy watching, and even has fun hobbies like playing with his dog and lifting weights at the gym.

Hasan works hard but always makes sure to have a good time and share laughs with his friends online. People like watching Hasan because he teaches them new things in a fun way and always has interesting stories to tell. He’s like a superhero of the internet, using his powers to spread kindness and smart ideas. Remember, just like Hasan, you can learn lots of things and share your ideas with the world too!


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