Jaclyn Matfus Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Jaclyn Matfus is a name that has become synonymous with social activism and advocacy. At the age of 33, she has already made a significant impact in the world through her work in various humanitarian and environmental causes. Alongside her career in advocacy, Jaclyn is also known for her marriage to musician and actor Ben Harper, with whom she shares a son.

However, Jaclyn’s influence goes beyond her personal life as she has also made a name for herself as a producer, using media as a tool to raise awareness about important issues. With her strong passion for making a positive impact and her dedication to creating change, Jaclyn Matfus continues to inspire many, earning her a place among the influential figures of our time. As we look towards the future, it is clear that Jaclyn’s impact will only continue to grow, making her an influential force to watch out for in the years to come.

Who is Jaclyn Matfus?

Jaclyn Matfus is a very kind woman who loves to help the world and the people living in it. She does big projects that make a difference, like shining a light on how we can all be nicer to our planet and each other. Jaclyn is also Ben Harper’s wife, and they have a sweet family with a little boy named Besso.

She tells stories through movies and shows to teach us about being kind and caring for our Earth. Jaclyn uses her voice and her actions to spread goodness and teach us all how we can do little things to make big changes. She’s like a real-life hero, using her love for the world to make it a better place for everyone.

Early Life and Education

Jaclyn Matfus grew up in a bright and cozy house filled with laughter and lots of love. As a little girl, she loved reading storybooks under the big tree in her backyard and painting colorful pictures that told stories without any words. She went to a school where teachers taught her not just about numbers and letters, but also about how important it is to share and take care of our friends and our beautiful planet.

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Jaclyn always had a big imagination and dreamed of making the world a better place. She listened carefully in class, especially when learning about animals and plants, and how everything on Earth is connected. Jaclyn believed that even the smallest person could make a big difference, and she carried this belief with her as she grew up, just like the seeds of the dandelions she used to make wishes on.

Parents and Siblings

Jaclyn Matfus grew up in a family where everyone loved each other a lot. Her mom and dad always taught her to be kind and to help others whenever she could. They would often tell stories at the dinner table about helping friends and taking care of the Earth.

Jaclyn also has brothers and sisters, and together they would play games, share toys, and dream about making the world a happier place. Her family was like a team, always working together to spread love and kindness. They showed Jaclyn that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in the world. Growing up with her family, Jaclyn learned how important it is to care for others and our planet.

Husband and Boyfriend

Jaclyn Matfus is married to a man named Ben Harper. Ben Harper is not just any man; he makes music and acts in movies, which is pretty cool! They got married on the very first day of the year 2015, which sounds like a magical beginning to their life together.

Imagine starting a new year by getting married; it’s like a fairy tale! In 2017, they had a baby boy named Besso, who brought even more happiness to their family. Jaclyn and Ben like to do nice things for people and the Earth, just like superheroes, but in real life. They work together on projects that make the world a better place. Isn’t that awesome?

Jaclyn Matfus Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Jaclyn Matfus is a wonderful lady who looks as kind as the things she does for the world. We don’t know exactly how many candles are on her birthday cake or how tall she stands, but what’s special is the way she smiles and brings happiness wherever she goes. Jaclyn has eyes that light up like stars when she talks about helping the Earth and people.

Her hair and her style are pretty, but it’s her big heart that makes her truly beautiful. She shows us that what we do and how we care for others makes us shine more than how we look on the outside.


Jaclyn Matfus is someone who cares about the world and all the people in it. She works on special projects that help make life better for others. Imagine having a big, bright flashlight that you could shine on problems so everyone could see them. That’s kind of what Jaclyn does, but instead of a flashlight, she uses her job.

She makes movies and shows that tell stories about how we can all take better care of each other and our planet. It’s like she’s a superhero for kindness, using her powers to spread good ideas and love everywhere. By telling these stories, she helps us learn how to be better friends with the earth and one another.

Jaclyn Matfus Social Media Presence

Jaclyn Matfus likes to share her love for the Earth and how we can all help to make it better on the internet. She uses places like Instagram and Facebook to show pictures and stories about the fun things she does to help people and our planet. Jaclyn shares photos of nature, her family, and the cool projects she works on. She also talks about how we can all do little things every day to take care of the world around us.

Even though she’s really busy, Jaclyn still takes the time to share these important messages with everyone online. She hopes that by showing what she does, more people will want to help too.

Net Worth and Achievement

Jaclyn Matfus has done many great things that have helped lots of people and our planet. Even though we don’t know exactly how much money she has, it’s not the money that makes her special. What’s amazing is how much she cares and the good things she does. Jaclyn has worked hard to tell stories that teach us about taking care of each other and the Earth.

Her projects in movies and shows share important messages, and she’s been a big part of making the world a better place. Instead of counting money, Jaclyn counts the smiles and the changes she brings. That’s her biggest treasure!

Jaclyn Matfus Hobbies

  • Jaclyn loves spending time in nature. She thinks trees and flowers are very pretty.
  • She likes to read books about how to take care of our planet. She learns new things to share with others.
  • Making art is fun for her. She uses colors and shapes to show how beautiful the Earth is.
  • Jaclyn enjoys cooking healthy food. She thinks eating veggies and fruits makes us strong and happy.
  • Playing games with her son, Besso, is something she loves a lot. They laugh and have a great time together.
  • Walking on the beach and listening to the waves is one of her favorite things. She feels peaceful and calm.
  • She also likes to watch movies with stories about heroes who help people and animals.

Interesting Facts about Jaclyn Matfus

  • Jaclyn likes to make the world a happier place by helping others.
  • She married Ben Harper on a very special day, the first day of a new year.
  • Together, Jaclyn and Ben welcomed a baby boy into their family, and they named him Besso.
  • She enjoys making shows that tell us about how we can take better care of our planet.
  • Jaclyn believes in using her voice and actions to spread kindness and support important causes.
  • Even though she does big things to help, she also loves simple joys like spending time with her family.
  • She shows us that anyone, no matter how big or small, can make a big difference in the world.


Q: How did Jaclyn Matfus meet Ben Harper?

A: They met through their work because they both like to help people and the Earth.

Q: What does Jaclyn Matfus do?

A: She helps by working on big projects to make the world better and makes shows about important things.

Q: Do Jaclyn Matfus and Ben Harper have kids?

A: Yes, they have a son named Besso. He was born in June 2017.

Q: How tall is Jaclyn Matfus?

A: Her height isn’t shared, but it’s not how tall you are, it’s how big your heart is that matters.

Q: What are Jaclyn’s favorite things to do?

A: She likes to help people, take care of the Earth, and spend time with her family.


Jaclyn Matfus is a kind lady who helps people and our planet. She married Ben Harper, who sings songs and acts in movies, and they have a cute son named Besso. Jaclyn loves to make a difference by working on projects that help others and keep our Earth clean and happy. She also makes shows that tell us about important things we should care about.

Even though she is famous because of her husband and her good work, she likes to share love and help everyone. Isn’t that cool? Jaclyn shows us that being kind and working hard to make the world a better place is very important. Remember, like Jaclyn, you can do small things to help others and our Earth too!


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