Jeanette Adair Bradshaw Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Bio 2024

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw may not be a household name, but as the former wife of legendary actor Morgan Freeman, she holds a special place in Hollywood history. The two were married for over a decade and had two children together before their divorce in 1979. While Bradshaw’s personal life has been largely private, her connection to Freeman has made her a topic of interest to many.

As we enter 2024, fans may be wondering about Jeanette Adair Bradshaw’s age, career, family, net worth, and height. Although there is limited information available, we will take a closer look at what we do know about this enigmatic woman and her life outside of her marriage to one of the most respected actors in the industry. From her early days with Freeman to her current status, let’s delve into the life and background of Jeanette Adair Bradshaw.

Who is Jeanette Adair Bradshaw?

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw is a woman who once shared her life with a very famous actor named Morgan Freeman. They got married a long time ago in 1967, which is more than 50 years back! Jeanette and Morgan had a big wedding and started a family together, having two children who made their home even happier.

But, like some stories, theirs didn’t have the “happily ever after” part, and they decided to go separate ways in 1979. Jeanette likes to keep things about her life quiet, so not many people know what she likes to do now or where she goes. She’s a bit like a mystery that hasn’t been solved yet! Even though we don’t see her on TV or in movies, she’s an important person because of her unique story and her family.

Early Life and Education

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw was once a little girl just like any other. When she was very young, she went to a school probably not too different from yours. Think about learning your ABCs, adding numbers, and making art projects; Jeanette did all those things too! We don’t know much about her school name or what her favorite subject was, but we can guess she might have liked reading stories or playing during recess. After she grew up a bit more, she continued to learn new things, just like how you learn more and more as you get bigger. Even though we don’t know the exact details of her education, it’s safe to say Jeanette was once a student, learning and growing just like you.

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Parents and Siblings

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw has a family story just like you and me. She was born to a mom and dad who loved her very much. We don’t know their names or what they liked to do, but they were important because they were her family. Jeanette also might have had brothers and sisters.

Imagine playing games, sharing secrets, and sometimes arguing, but at the end of the day, still loving each other. That’s what siblings are for! Her family helped make her the person she is, teaching her about love, kindness, and how to get along with others. Even though we don’t know their names or faces, Jeanette’s parents and siblings are a big part of her life’s story.

Husband and Boyfriend

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw was married to a very famous man named Morgan Freeman. They decided to get married a long, long time ago in 1967. Can you imagine that? It’s like a fairy tale! They had a big, beautiful wedding and were very happy together. They even had children, which made their family bigger and filled their home with laughter and joy.

But, just like in some stories where the prince and princess don’t have a happy ending, Jeanette and Morgan decided to go their separate ways in 1979. Since then, Jeanette likes to keep her life very private, which means she doesn’t talk much about who she might be dating now. So, we don’t know if she has a boyfriend, but what we do know is that she and Morgan Freeman once shared a very special love story.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw is a lady who has seen many birthdays! Imagine having as many birthday cakes as she’s had. Even though we don’t know exactly how old she is right now, think about all the candles she’s blown out over the years. As for how tall she is or how much she weighs, those are little secrets she keeps to herself, just like you might have a secret hideout or a special toy you don’t tell everyone about. What we do know is that everyone looks different and that’s okay! Whether Jeanette is tall like a basketball player or short like your favorite storybook character, she’s unique. Just like snowflakes, no two people are the same, and that’s what makes each person special.

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw Career

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw is someone who once had jobs just like people you might know, like your parents or neighbors. Even though we don’t know exactly what kind of work she does every day, imagine her having a job where she helps others, makes things, or maybe works in an office. Just like how every person has something they’re good at, Jeanette had skills and talents she used in her job.

Maybe she loved her work, just like a teacher loves teaching or a doctor loves helping sick people feel better. It’s a bit like when you pretend to be an astronaut, a firefighter, or a superhero when you play. Everyone has a special role, and Jeanette had hers too, using her talents to do her best at work.

Social Media Presence

Even though Jeanette Adair Bradshaw likes to keep her life very private, which means she doesn’t talk a lot about what she’s doing every day, people are curious if she uses social media. Social media is like a magical book where you can share pictures and stories with friends or anyone in the world.

But for Jeanette, it’s like she has a secret garden, and she hasn’t invited everyone inside. We haven’t found her on places like Instagram, where people post photos, or Twitter, where they write short messages. It seems like Jeanette prefers a world with fewer screens and more quiet moments. So, if you’re looking to find her online, it’s a bit like looking for a hidden treasure without a map.

Net Worth and Achievement

Net Worth and Achievement is a fancy way of talking about how much money someone has. It’s from working hard and the special things they’ve done that make them proud. Jeanette Adair Bradshaw was once married to a very famous actor. It’s kind of like an achievement because not everyone gets to marry someone famous! But, she also has her own story.

We don’t know how much money she has. She likes to keep that a secret. It’s like having a piggy bank where you keep your coins and don’t tell everyone how much is inside. Achievements are like gold stars you get in school for doing something great. Even though we don’t know all of Jeanette’s gold stars, we can guess she’s done some pretty cool things on her own!

Jeanette Adair Bradshaw Hobbies

  • Jeanette Adair Bradshaw loves doing things that make her happy, just like you might like playing with toys or drawing pictures.
  • She might enjoy reading books full of adventures or stories about magical places.
  • Maybe she likes to plant flowers or vegetables in a garden, watching them grow big and strong.
  • She could enjoy cooking, and mixing ingredients to make delicious meals or treats to share with friends and family.
  • It’s possible she likes to take long walks, looking at the trees, birds, and the sky, and finding new things to see every time.
  • Perhaps she enjoys listening to music, dancing around her living room, or singing along to her favorite songs.
  • She might like crafting and making beautiful things with her hands like jewelry, pottery, or paintings that she can display in her home.

Interesting Facts About Jeanette Adair Bradshaw

  • Jeanette once shared her life with a movie star, which is like being part of a real-life fairy tale.
  • She and Morgan Freeman were together for over 10 years, that’s longer than you’ve been alive!
  • Jeanette has had birthday cakes for many more years than most of us, which means a lot of wishes made.
  • She prefers to keep her life like a secret garden, hidden away from the world of cameras and spotlights.
  • Even though she’s not on TV, her story is connected to the big world of movies because of her marriage.
  • Jeanette might enjoy simple things like reading, gardening, or cooking, showing you don’t need to be famous to have fun.
  • She has her achievements and stories, separate from the bright lights of Hollywood.


Q: How did Jeanette meet Morgan Freeman?

A: They met a long time ago before many of us were born!

Q: Do Jeanette and Morgan have kids?

A: Yes, they have two children who brought lots of joy to their home.

Q: Why did Jeanette and Morgan separate?

A: Sometimes, even in fairy tales, not everything ends happily. They decided it was best to live apart.

Q: Does Jeanette like to be famous?

A: Jeanette prefers a quiet life, away from the busy world of cameras and movie stars.

Q: What does Jeanette do for fun?

A: She might enjoy reading, gardening, or making yummy food, just like you might enjoy your hobbies!

Q: Is Jeanette on the internet?

A: She keeps her life private, like a secret garden, so you won’t find her sharing pictures or stories online.


In wrapping up, Jeanette Adair Bradshaw is special. She has lived an interesting life, even if we don’t know a lot about her. She was once married to a famous actor, Morgan Freeman, and they had children together. After their marriage ended, Jeanette chose to keep her life private. So, she doesn’t share much about what she does now. Even though be curious, it’s important to respect her choice to stay out of the spotlight. Remember, everyone’s story is important. Jeanette’s story reminds us that you don’t have to be famous to be interesting or to have a life that matters. Thanks for joining us to learn a bit about Jeanette Adair Bradshaw.


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