Kandy Fenty Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Kandy Fenty may not be a household name like her famous sister Rihanna, but she is still a part of the talented Fenty family. Born before her father, Ronald Fenty, married Rihanna’s mother, Kandy is one of Rihanna’s three older half-siblings. While she prefers to keep a low profile and stay out of the public eye, Kandy has been mentioned in media stories about Rihanna’s family.

As we enter the year 2024, many fans are curious about Kandy Fenty’s age, career, family, net worth, and height. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Kandy and her life, shedding light on her lesser-known yet significant role in the Fenty family

Who is Kandy Fenty?

Kandy Fenty is a special person because she is Rihanna’s big sister, but not from the same mommy. They have the same daddy, Mr. Ronald Fenty. Kandy was born when their daddy was younger before he met Rihanna’s mommy. This means Kandy is Rihanna’s half-sister. She has two other big brothers or sisters just like her.

Kandy likes to keep things quiet and not be in the spotlight like Rihanna. She doesn’t show up in magazines or on TV much because she enjoys her privacy. Kandy has her own life and stories, but she shares something special with Rihanna. their dad. Even though we don’t hear about her a lot, Kandy is an important part of Rihanna’s big family!

Early Life and Education

Kandy Fenty grew up in a place called Barbados, which is an island where it’s sunny and beautiful. When she was a little girl, just like you, Kandy went to school in Barbados. Imagine going to school where you can hear the ocean! That’s how it was for her.

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Kandy learned to read, write, and do all the things kids learn in school. She had friends and teachers who helped her learn new things every day. Kandy liked school and worked hard. Even though we don’t know which school she went to, we know she tried her best to be good at what she did. Just like you, Kandy was once a kid who had to learn and grow up. Isn’t it fun to think about?

Parents and Siblings

Kandy Fenty’s daddy is Ronald Fenty. He was married twice, and Kandy comes from his first time being married. That means Kandy has a different mommy from Rihanna, but they share the same daddy. After her daddy married again, Rihanna was born, making her Kandy’s half-sister. But that’s not all!

Kandy also has two more siblings on her daddy’s side, named Samantha and Jamie. Imagine having a big family with brothers and sisters to play and share stories with! Kandy and her siblings may not all have the same mommy, but they are connected through their daddy. It’s like having friends who are also your family. So, Kandy is part of a big, interesting family with lots of people to love.

Kandy Fenty Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Husband and Boyfriend

Kandy Fenty keeps her heart matters like a treasure chest; not everyone gets to see inside. Just like how you might keep your favorite toy a secret, Kandy doesn’t share much about her husband or boyfriend with the world. It’s like she has a special invisible cloak that keeps her love life hidden away. We don’t know if she has someone she calls her husband or a boyfriend who makes her smile.

Kandy likes to keep this part of her life a big mystery, just like a secret garden. So, we can imagine she has her way of finding happiness, whether with family, friends, or someone special we haven’t met. Just like in fairy tales, some stories are just for us to wonder about.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Kandy Fenty is like a tall tree in a beautiful garden, standing proud and lovely. She has grown up so much since she was a little girl in Barbados. We don’t know exactly how tall she is or how much she weighs, because that’s her secret. But we can imagine her as tall as a princess in a castle.

Kandy has a smile that lights up the room, just like a bright star in the night sky. Her eyes sparkle with kindness, and her hair flows like the waves in the sea. Kandy is older than Rihanna, which makes her like a big sister fairy, guiding and watching over. Even without knowing her exact age, we know she’s grown up just right, with lots of stories hidden in her smile.


Kandy Fenty has a job just like your mom or dad might. But what she does for work is a bit of a secret, just like some parts of her life. We don’t see her on TV or hear her singing songs like her sister Rihanna. Kandy likes to do her own thing, away from the cameras and bright lights.

She might work in an office, help people, or create beautiful things. We’re not sure because she doesn’t talk about it a lot. Just like everyone has different things they’re good at, Kandy has special skills that she uses at her job. Even though we don’t know exactly what she does, we know she’s working hard and doing her best every day.

Kandy Fenty Social Media Presence

Kandy Fenty is a bit like a secret ninja on social media. Do you know how some people share lots of pictures and stories on the internet, like on Instagram or Facebook? Well, Kandy is not like that. She doesn’t post lots of selfies or tell the world what she had for breakfast.

It’s kind of like she’s playing a big game of hide and seek with the internet. She might have a secret account where she likes to look at pictures or see what her friends are doing, but she doesn’t let everyone see what she’s up to every day. It’s like she has a magic cloak that makes her invisible on social media, so she can have fun without everyone watching.

Net Worth and Achievement

Kandy Fenty’s treasure chest, where she keeps all her gold and jewels, is a bit like a mystery. You know, like in stories where pirates hide their treasures, and no one knows exactly how much they have? That’s kind of like Kandy’s net worth. We’re not sure how much money she has, because she likes to keep it a secret, just like the rest of her life. But we can guess she might have some because she works hard every day just like your mommy or daddy.

Kandy has also done some amazing things, kind of like when you win a race or get a gold star on your homework. We might not know all the trophies or awards she has on her shelf, but we’re sure she’s proud of them, just like you would be. So, even though we can’t see her achievements like a shiny medal, we know she’s done some pretty cool stuff!

Kandy Fenty Hobbies

  • Kandy Fenty loves to play games, just like you might do with your friends. Imagine playing hide and seek or tag in a big, sunny yard.
  • She enjoys painting pictures, which can be of anything like flowers, sunny beaches, or even a portrait of her family. It’s like making your own story on paper.
  • Reading books is another hobby. Kandy could be diving into adventures with pirates or exploring magical kingdoms, all by turning pages.
  • Kandy also likes to listen to music and dance around. It might be fun songs that make you want to move or sweet tunes that remind her of Barbados.
  • Cooking is something special she does too. Imagine baking cookies or making a big, yummy cake for a family get-together.

Interesting Facts about Kandy Fenty

  • Kandy Fenty is a big sister to a very famous singer, which makes her part of a starry family.
  • She comes from a sunny place called Barbados, just like a beautiful island in storybooks.
  • Kandy has a secret job, kind of like a mystery that we get to guess about.
  • She loves to keep her life like a hidden treasure, not showing everything to the world.
  • Even though she’s not on TV or in magazines, Kandy is still special in her way.
  • She’s like a ninja on the internet, playing hide and seek with everyone online.
  • Kandy has hobbies that make her happy, like painting and cooking, which are fun to do.


Q; How is Kandy related to Rihanna?

A; Kandy and Rihanna are sisters because they have the same daddy.

Q; Does Kandy sing like Rihanna?

A; We don’t hear about Kandy singing, so she might like doing other things.

Q; Where did Kandy grow up?

A; Kandy grew up in a pretty place called Barbados, where you can hear the ocean.

Q; Is Kandy on TV?

A; No, Kandy likes to stay away from cameras and enjoy her life quietly.

Q; Does Kandy use Instagram or Facebook?

A; She’s like a ninja there, so you might not see her sharing pictures or stories.

Q; What does Kandy like to do for fun?

A; She enjoys playing games, painting, reading books, listening to music, and cooking yummy food.

Q; Does Kandy go to school?

A; Yes, Kandy went to school just like you, where she learned to read and write.


In our adventure learning about Kandy Fenty, we found out she’s a bit like a secret fairy. She’s not in the spotlight like her sister Rihanna, but she’s still super special. Kandy has a big, loving family and enjoys doing things that make her smile, like painting and cooking. Even though we don’t see her on TV or the internet much, Kandy has her magical world. It’s full of stories, just like the ones we love to read and imagine.

Remember, everyone has their tale to tell, and Kandy’s is filled with mystery, fun, and love. Just like in our favorite books, every character is important, and Kandy is a wonderful part of her family’s story.


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