Lakesha Draine Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Lakesha Draine is a multi-talented American entrepreneur, interior decorator, and internet personality who has made a name for herself in the world of interior design. Born on September 7, 1974, in Joliet, Illinois, Lakesha’s passion for design was evident from a young age. She pursued her dreams by obtaining a degree in interior design from the College of DuPage and went on to establish her successful firm, L Design Group.

Lakesha’s impressive career is not the only aspect of her life that shines. She is also known for her close relationship with her husband, former ABC 7 Chicago sports anchor Jim Rose. They have been married since 2011 and are devoted step-parents to Jim’s children. Despite her husband’s public career, Lakesha maintains a relatively private profile and focuses on giving back to her community through charitable work. With her talent, dedication, and kind heart, it is no surprise that Lakesha Draine’s net worth, family, and career continue to flourish in 2024.

Who is Lakesha Draine?

Lakesha Draine is a lady with a big smile who loves to make houses look beautiful. She uses colors, pillows, and lots of pretty things to make rooms feel happy and cozy. Lakesha is also someone’s wife, and her husband’s name is Jim. He used to be on TV talking about sports! They love to laugh and go on adventures together.

Lakesha is not just about decorating; she also likes to do nice things for people, helping out in her city, Chicago. Imagine if your room could tell a story with colors and your favorite toys, Lakesha is the person who knows exactly how to make that story come to life. She’s like a magician for homes, turning every space into a magical place.

Early Life and Education

Lakesha Draine was once a little girl with big dreams, living in Joliet, Illinois. When she was your age, she went to school just like you, at Joliet West High School. She loved to learn and play, always curious about everything around her. After she grew up a bit more, she went to a special school called the College of DuPage.

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There, she learned all about making homes look beautiful with colors and furniture. It was like learning how to paint, but instead of a canvas, she used rooms. This school helped her become really good at decorating, turning her love for colors and shapes into a way to make homes happy places.

Parents and Siblings

Lakesha Draine grew up in a family that loved her very much. She was born in a town called Joliet, which is not too far from a big city named Chicago. Lakesha’s mommy and daddy were always there to help her learn new things and encourage her to be creative. She might have brothers or sisters, but we don’t know much about them.

Just like in many families, they probably had fun times together, playing games and sharing stories. Lakesha’s parents must be proud of her for becoming a wonderful decorator and helping make homes beautiful. Growing up, Lakesha learned a lot from her family, like how to be kind and work hard, which helped her a lot in life.

Husband and Boyfriend

Lakesha Draine found her prince charming in Jim Rose, a man who used to be on TV talking about sports. They decided to be together forever on a sunny day, July 2, 2011. It was like a fairytale wedding, where they promised to always be there for each other. Jim isn’t just Lakesha’s husband; he’s her best friend too. They like to spend lots of time together, going on adventures and making each other laugh. Before Jim met Lakesha, he was married to someone else and has two kids, Jayson and Suzette. Lakesha loves them very much, just like they were her own children. Together, they all make a big, happy family, filled with love and fun times.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Lakesha Draine was born a long time ago, in the year 1974. That means every year when September 7 comes, she gets to blow out candles on a cake. If you count all the candles from the day she was born until now, you’ll know how old she is! Lakesha is taller than a lot of kids, but not as tall as a basketball hoop.

She looks very nice, always smiling, and she dresses up pretty when she goes places. Lakesha keeps herself healthy, which helps her be strong enough to decorate houses and do fun things with her family. She has a special way of doing her hair and picking out clothes that make her look nice when she’s working or out having fun.

Lakesha Draine Career

Lakesha Draine loves making homes look happy and beautiful. She studied hard in school to learn how to decorate houses. After she learned a lot, she started her own company called L Design Group in Chicago. She is the boss, which means she gets to make important decisions about decorating.

Lakesha helps people decide how their homes can look nicer with cool furniture and pretty colors. She visits their houses and looks around to see how she can make them look even better. Then, she picks out special things that will make the rooms look fun and cozy. Lakesha’s job is to help everyone feel happy and comfortable in their homes. She uses her big imagination to think of wonderful ideas for decorating.

Social Media Presence

Lakesha Draine likes to share pictures and stories online, but she doesn’t share everything. She has a special place on the internet where you can see the beautiful rooms she decorates. Lakesha shows us the pretty colors and fun decorations she uses to make houses look nice. Sometimes, she also shares photos of her with her husband, Jim, and their adventures together.

She likes using websites where lots of people can see her work and the fun things she does. But remember, Lakesha likes to keep some things just for her family, so not everything is online. She’s good at picking what to share so everyone can see some of her amazing decorating ideas and happy moments with her family.

Net Worth and Achievement

Lakesha Draine is good at making homes look special and cozy, which has helped her earn some money. People think her decorating company in Chicago is worth a lot, but no one knows exactly how much. Lakesha also got a special award because she’s really good at decorating and helping her city. She doesn’t talk much about the money she makes or all the awards she wins because she likes to keep some things private. But everyone knows she works hard and does a great job making homes beautiful. Lakesha is proud of her work and loves helping people feel happy in their homes.

Lakesha Draine Hobbies

  • Lakesha loves to paint pictures. Sometimes she paints flowers, and sometimes she paints houses like the ones she decorates.
  • She enjoys going for walks in the park. She says it helps her think of new ideas for decorating homes.
  • Reading books is another hobby of hers. She reads stories about adventures and magical places.
  • Lakesha also likes to garden. She grows pretty flowers and yummy vegetables in her backyard.
  • Taking pictures is fun for her. She takes photos of her decorations and sometimes of the beautiful sunsets.
  • She likes to cook too. Lakesha tries new recipes and makes tasty meals for her family.

Interesting Facts About Lakesha Draine

  • Lakesha was born in a place called Joliet, which is in Illinois.
  • She went to a school called Joliet West High School when she was younger.
  • After high school, she learned how to decorate homes at the College of DuPage.
  • She is the boss of her own decorating company in Chicago.
  • Lakesha and Jim Rose had a big wedding party on July 2, 2011.
  • She likes to share pictures and stories on the internet but not too much.
  • Helping people in Chicago is something she loves to do.
  • Lakesha and Jim do not have their kids, but she loves Jim’s children like they are hers.
  • Making homes look pretty and comfy is what she does best.


Q: What does Lakesha Draine do?

A: She makes houses look pretty by choosing nice things to put inside them.

Q: Who is Lakesha married to?

A: She is married to Jim Rose, who used to talk about sports on TV.

Q: Did Lakesha go to school for decorating?

A: Yes, she went to a special school to learn all about making homes beautiful.

Q: Does Lakesha have any kids?

A: She helps take care of Jim’s two kids, Jayson and Suzette like they are her own.

Q: Where does Lakesha work?

A: She has her own company in Chicago that helps people decorate their homes.

Q: Does Lakesha do anything besides decorating?

A: Yes, she also does nice things to help people in her city.


Lakesha Draine is a very talented lady who decorates houses to make them look pretty and cozy. She loves to help people have beautiful homes where they can be happy and comfortable. Lakesha is not just good at decorating, but she also runs her own business, which is a big deal!

She and her husband, Jim Rose, share a special bond and take care of each other’s children like their own, showing how much love they have in their family. Lakesha likes to help others and does a lot of kind things for people in Chicago. She enjoys keeping her life a little bit private but still shares some fun moments online. Lakesha’s story tells us that working hard and caring for others can make our dreams come true and help us make a positive change in the world.


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