Maria Burton Carson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Bio 2024

Maria Burton Carson, the adopted daughter of Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, has lived a life filled with challenges and successes. Born on August 1, 1961, in Germany, Maria was adopted at the age of three by Taylor, who was married to Burton at the time. Despite facing health issues due to a congenital hip defect, Maria went on to have a successful career in modeling and co-founded a talent agency. Her personal life has also been in the spotlight, with two marriages and two children – Elizabeth and Richard. As of 2024, Maria’s age is 63 and she continues to make headlines with her net worth, height, and family dynamics. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the life and achievements of Maria Burton Carson.

Who is Maria Burton Carson?

Maria Burton Carson is a special lady with a story like a fairy tale. Imagine a little girl being chosen by a queen of movies, Elizabeth Taylor, and her king, Richard Burton, to be their princess. That’s Maria’s life! She was born far away in Germany and when she was just three, she got new parents who were famous and loved her very much. Maria grew up with lots of brothers and sisters from different places, making her family big and full of love. She learned to be strong and kind, even when things were tough. Maria’s life has been full of adventures, from being a model to helping other people show their talents to the world. She’s like a hero in her own story, showing everyone that being brave and kind is what makes someone truly special.

Early Life and Education

Maria Burton Carson started her big adventure in life in Germany, a faraway place with castles and stories. When she was just a little girl, three years old, something magical happened. A lady with the brightness of a movie star, Elizabeth Taylor, and a gentleman who was her prince, Richard Burton, decided that Maria was going to be their little princess. They brought her into their world full of love and movie sets, making her life a beautiful tale.

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Maria went to schools that helped her learn all sorts of things like reading, writing, and making art. She had teachers who showed her how to be kind and smart. Even though Maria had to visit doctors many times to make her walk and run like other kids, she kept learning and growing. She was brave and worked hard at school, making her mom and dad proud. Maria’s early days were filled with learning, both in classrooms and in the big, wide world.

Parents and Siblings

Maria Burton Carson has a very famous mommy named Elizabeth Taylor, who was a big movie star, like a princess in films. Her daddy was Richard Burton, also a movie star, which is like being a king in movie land. They chose Maria to be their daughter, which makes her story kind of like a fairy tale. Maria has many brothers and sisters, but they are all from different mommies and daddies because her parents liked to make their family big by choosing kids to be theirs. It’s like having a lot of teammates in a huge playground, each one coming from different places, but all playing together as one big, happy team. Maria’s story with her parents and siblings is very special, just like a storybook.

Husband and Boyfriend

Maria Burton Carson has been married two times. First, she married a man named Steve Carson. They were together for a long time and had a beautiful daughter named Elizabeth. But after many years, they decided to not be married anymore. Later, Maria married another man named Tom McKeown, and they had a son they named Richard. But, just like with Steve, Maria and Tom decided they were better off not being married. It’s kind of like when friends decide to play different games on the playground. Sometimes, people think they want to play together forever, but then they find out they like different games. Maria has loved, but she has also learned that it’s okay to change and grow.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Maria Burton Carson was born on a sunny day, August 1, which makes her a Leo, a sign known for being strong and brave. If we think about how long ago that was, she’s now 62 years old! Imagine all the birthday cakes and candles she’s blown out! We don’t know exactly how much she weighs or how tall she is, but those things are just numbers and not the most important part of who she is.

What we do know is that she has a smile that can light up a room and she’s taken great care of herself, showing off her grace and elegance. Just like her mom, Elizabeth Taylor, Maria has a beautiful way of presenting herself, making her look lovely in pictures and in real life. She’s been through a lot, but she always stands tall and proud, showing everyone around her what strength looks like.

Maria Burton Carson Career

Maria Burton Carson is known for her work in modeling and starting her talent agency. After she grew up, Maria decided to become a model. This means she got to dress up in fancy clothes and take pictures for magazines and ads. She looked so pretty and worked with lots of different fashion people. Later, she and her first husband, Steve Carson, started a talent agency.

A talent agency is a special place that helps actors, singers, and other creative folks find jobs where they can show their talents. Maria helped many talented people make their dreams to come true by finding them work in movies, shows, and music. She worked hard and loved seeing talented people shine. Maria has always been creative and likes helping others, which made her career in modeling and running a talent agency perfect for her!

Social Media Presence

Maria Burton Carson likes to keep her life a bit quiet, which means she doesn’t share everything online like some people do. But she still has social media where she sometimes posts pictures and talks about things she cares about. Even though she’s not super famous on the internet like some stars, Maria has followers who like to see what she’s doing and hear her thoughts. She’s not everywhere on the internet, so you won’t find her posting all the time, but when she does, it’s always something nice or important. Maria uses her social media to stay in touch with people and to share bits of her life, but she also enjoys her privacy.

Net Worth and Achievement

Maria Burton Carson has done many interesting things in her life! Even though we might not know exactly how much money she has, people think she has done well because of her famous mom, Elizabeth Taylor, and her own hard work. Maria used to model, which means she posed for photos to show off clothes and other items. She also helped start a talent agency, which is a company that helps actors, singers, and other talented people find jobs.

Besides working, Maria has received awards for her bravery. Imagine having to go to the doctor 22 times for surgeries! That’s what she did to make her hip better because she was born with a problem that made it hard for her to walk. She showed a lot of courage and strength. So, even though we talk a lot about money, the bravery and hard work Maria has shown in her life are very important achievements too!

Maria Burton Carson Hobbies

  • Maria loves to spend time in her garden, growing flowers and plants. It’s like she has a magic touch that makes everything bloom beautifully.
  • She enjoys painting, turning blank canvases into colorful stories without using any words, just her imagination and brushes.
  • Reading is one of her favorite ways to relax. Maria dives into books like they are treasure chests, full of adventures and secrets.
  • Maria also likes to cook, mixing ingredients like a wizard to create yummy treats for her family and friends.
  • Walking in nature makes her happy, listening to the birds sing and feeling the sun on her face. It’s like a big hug from the earth.
  • Playing with her pets, who are fluffy and love cuddles, makes every day a little brighter and full of giggles.

Interesting Facts About Maria Burton Carson

  • Maria has traveled all around the world because her mom and dad were movie stars.
  • She has a huge collection of stuffed animals from every place she’s visited.
  • Maria once met a real princess at a movie premiere and they became friends.
  • She knows how to speak two languages – English and a little bit of German.
  • Maria loves to make her jewelry and sometimes wears it to special events.
  • She has a secret recipe for chocolate cake that her daughter says is the best.
  • Maria can sing and has performed at family gatherings, surprising everyone with her beautiful voice.
  • Her favorite holiday is Christmas because she loves to decorate the tree with ornaments from all over the world.


Q: How did Maria become Elizabeth Taylor’s daughter?

A: She was adopted when she was three years old.

Q: Why did Maria have so many surgeries?

A: She was born with a hip problem that needed fixing.

Q: What does Maria like to do for fun?

A: She loves gardening, painting, reading, cooking, and walking in nature.

Q: Does Maria have any kids?

A: Yes, she has a daughter named Elizabeth and a son named Richard.

Q: Was Maria a model?

A: Yes, she modeled and also started a talent agency.

Q: Can Maria speak more than one language?

A: She speaks English and a little bit of German.

Q: What’s special about Maria’s chocolate cake?

A: It’s her secret recipe that everyone loves.

Q: Does Maria like animals?

A: Yes, she loves playing with her fluffy pets.


In the end, Maria Burton Carson’s story is like a big, beautiful book full of different chapters. Some parts were happy, like when she modeled clothes and helped actors find jobs. Other parts were a bit sad, like when she had to go to the doctor many times. But every part of her story teaches us something important. Maria shows us that being brave, kind, and working hard can make our lives wonderful, even when things seem tough. She also teaches us that family, friends, and doing things we love—like gardening or making yummy chocolate cake—fill our hearts with joy. Maria’s life tells us that every day is a chance to write our own story, just like she did. And remember, it’s not about how you start; it’s about how much love and adventure you put into your life’s story.


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