Mariah HoughtonAge, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Mariah Houghton may not be a household name, but she is no stranger to the world of music and faith. As the daughter of renowned gospel singers Israel and Meleasa Houghton, Mariah has been surrounded by music and ministry her entire life. Born on August 31, 1995, she is now 28 years old and has grown into her own as a talented singer and musician. While her father’s name may have opened doors for her, Mariah has made a name for herself in the Christian and worship music scenes, occasionally performing and collaborating with her father.

Despite facing some personal challenges, including a divorce from her husband Byron Rideaux, Mariah remains dedicated to her faith and music. As we enter 2024, let’s take a closer look at Mariah Houghton’s age, career, family, net worth, and height, and see how she continues to make her mark on the world.

Who is Mariah Houghton?

Mariah Houghton is a lady who loves to sing. She grew up with music all around her because her mom and dad are singers too. They sing songs to God and teach others to feel happy and loved through music. Mariah started singing when she was very little, almost like when you start learning new games or how to draw pretty pictures.

She likes to sing songs that make people smile and feel good inside. Mariah shares her songs on the internet so lots of people can listen to them. She also likes to share about her life, what she loves, and the fun adventures she goes on. Mariah’s voice is special because it comes from her heart, and she hopes to make the world a happier place with her music.

Early Life and Education

Mariah Houghton grew up surrounded by music, like a bird learning to sing in a nest full of melodies. She was born on a sunny day at the end of summer, and her house was always filled with songs because her mom and dad loved music so much. When Mariah was just a little girl, she started singing too, just like her parents.

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She went to school where she learned about numbers, letters, and all kinds of interesting things. Mariah also learned how to make friends and share, just like how she shares her music today. She loved learning and playing with her brothers and sisters at home, making every day a new adventure. Education for Mariah wasn’t just about books; it was about music, love, and learning how to be a kind friend.

Parents and Siblings

Mariah Houghton has a mommy named Meleasa and a daddy named Israel. Her daddy sings songs to God, and her mommy loves music too. They are a family who loves singing together. Mariah is the oldest child, which means she was born before her brothers and sisters. She has a little brother named Milan and two little sisters, named Mariah and Lillie.

They all have fun playing and singing songs together. Mariah loves being the big sister. She helps her mommy and daddy take care of her younger brothers and sisters. They are like a team, each person special in their way, making beautiful music in life and loving each other a lot.

Husband and Boyfriend

Mariah Houghton once had a boyfriend named Byron Rideaux. They liked each other so much that they decided to get married in 2016. It was like a fairy tale where the princess marries her prince. But sometimes, fairy tales have different endings, and Mariah and Byron decided they were happier not being married, so they are not together anymore.

Mariah hasn’t talked much about having a boyfriend now, so she might be enjoying spending time with her friends, and family, and making music. Just like in stories, sometimes people go on adventures on their own, and that’s okay because every story has its magic.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Mariah Houghton is 28 years old because she was born in 1995. We don’t know exactly how much she weighs or how tall she is because she keeps that private, just like a secret between friends. When you see pictures of Mariah, you can tell she has a bright smile that lights up any room, just like sunshine.

She has pretty hair and dresses in fun clothes that show her style. Mariah looks happy and healthy, and she loves to share her big smile with everyone. Even though we don’t know all the numbers about her height or weight, we know Mariah is beautiful just the way she is.


Mariah HoughtonAge, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Mariah Houghton loves music just like her mommy and daddy. She sings beautiful songs and sometimes, she sings with her dad too. Mariah doesn’t sing on a big stage all the time, but she does make music that makes people happy. She shares her singing videos on the internet, and lots of people watch them.

Mariah hasn’t made a big music album yet, but she’s working on making more music. She likes to sing songs about being happy and loving each other. Even though Mariah is not as famous as her dad, she is still making her own music. She’s like a music-making superhero, using her voice to spread joy and smiles.

Mariah Houghton Social Media Presence

Mariah Houghton loves sharing on the internet! She has a place on social media where she posts pictures and talks about her life. If you like to see fun stuff and hear about music, you can find her online. Mariah shows people what she’s doing, and where she’s going, and sometimes, she even shares videos where she’s singing.

It’s like having a tiny window into her world. She also talks to her friends and fans on the internet, making everyone feel like they’re a part of her adventures. If you have a computer or a phone, you can look up Mariah and see all the cool things she shares. She likes it when people enjoy her posts and music.

Net Worth and Achievement

Mariah Houghton is not just known because she is the daughter of famous singers. She has done cool things too! Mariah sings songs and shares fun stuff on the internet. People really like what she does. Talking about how much money Mariah has, well, that’s a bit of a secret. But because she sings and many people follow her online, she might have saved up a good amount of money from her music and online stuff.

Mariah hasn’t told everyone how much money she has, but she seems happy with what she does. Besides singing and being online, Mariah has also won hearts. That’s a big achievement too! Winning hearts might not be a trophy you can put on a shelf, but it sure is something very special.

Mariah Houghton Hobbies

  • Mariah loves to sing. She often sings songs with her dad and by herself too.
  • She likes to spend time on the internet. Mariah shares fun stuff and talks to friends online.
  • Mariah enjoys music. Not just singing, but listening to many kinds of music.
  • She has fun traveling. Mariah goes to different places and sees new things.
  • Reading books is something Mariah likes. She reads all sorts of stories.
  • Playing instruments is also a hobby. Mariah plays piano a little.
  • Mariah loves to cook. She tries making new foods sometimes.
  • Taking pictures is fun for her. Mariah takes photos of places she goes and things she does.
Mariah HoughtonAge, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Interesting Facts about Mariah Houghton

  • Mariah was born in the summer when it’s super hot, on August 31.
  • She has a big love for music because her mom and dad love music too.
  • Mariah once got married when she was 21 years old.
  • She likes to sing and sometimes sings with her dad.
  • Mariah uses the internet to show what she’s doing and what she likes.
  • She has brothers or sisters, but we didn’t talk about their names here.
  • Even though Mariah’s dad is super famous, Mariah is known for her own music and stuff she shares online.
  • She loves to share parts of her life with people on the internet.


Q: How old is Mariah Houghton?

A: She was born on August 31, 1995.

Q: Who are Mariah’s parents?

A: Her mom is Meleasa Houghton and her dad is Israel Houghton.

Q: Does Mariah sing like her parents?

A: Yes, she loves music and sings too.

Q: Did Mariah get married?

A: Yes, she married Byron Rideaux in 2016 but they are not together now.

Q: Can I see what Mariah does on the internet?

A: Yes, she shares a lot on social media.

Q: Does Mariah have brothers or sisters?

A: Yes, she has siblings but the blog didn’t say their names.

Q: Is Mariah famous?

A: She’s known because of her family and her music, but not as famous as her dad.


In wrapping up, Mariah Houghton is a very interesting person with a life full of music and love. Even though she’s famous because her mom and dad sing well, she’s also doing her cool things in music. She’s been married and shares lots of stuff on the internet, and many people like following her to see what she’ll do next.

Mariah loves singing, just like her parents, and enjoys sharing her life with friends online. Even though she’s not as famous as her dad, she’s making her path, and lots of people support her. Remember, Mariah shows us that being yourself and doing what you love is super important.


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