Mattias Paulin Ferrell Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Bio 2024

Ever wondered about the son of beloved actor and comedian Will Ferrell? Well, let us introduce you to Mattias Paulin Ferrell, born on December 30, 2006. He is the youngest child of Will and his wife, Swedish actress and auctioneer Viveca Paulin. Mattias has two older brothers, Magnus and Axel, and together they make up the Ferrell family.

While his parents may be household names in the entertainment industry, the Ferrells have chosen to keep their private lives out of the public eye. However, as Mattias grows older, fans are becoming more curious about him and his potential career in the spotlight. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Mattias Paulin Ferrell’s age, family, net worth, and height, and explore the possibility of following in his parents’ footsteps in the entertainment industry. Stay tuned for all the latest updates on this rising star in the making.

Who is Mattias Paulin Ferrell?

Mattias Paulin Ferrell is a young boy whose dad is the funny movie star, Will Ferrell, and his mom is Viveca Paulin, who loves art and sells things at auctions. He was born when the year was almost ending on December 30, 2006. Mattias isn’t the only kid in his family; he has two brothers, Magnus and Axel. They all live together and probably have a lot of fun since his dad is known for making people laugh. Mattias is still growing up, so he might decide to be in movies like his dad or maybe do something completely different. He has a whole world of choices ahead of him, and many people are excited to see what he decides to do when he gets older.

Early Life and Education

Mattias Paulin Ferrell was born on a cold winter day right before the new year in 2006. He has a big family with his dad, Will Ferrell, who makes lots of people laugh in movies, his mom, Viveca Paulin, who knows a lot about art and helps sell it, and his two brothers, Magnus and Axel. They all care about each other a lot and have fun together.

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Mattias goes to school like most kids. Even though we don’t know the name of his school, we can guess he learns things like math, reading, and maybe even art like his mom. He also might play during recess and make lots of friends. Growing up with a funny dad and a smart mom, Mattias is learning lots of interesting things every day.

Parents and Siblings

Mattias Paulin Ferrell has a cool family. His dad is Will Ferrell, who is super funny and acts in a lot of movies. Imagine your dad making the whole world laugh! His mom, Viveca Paulin, is from Sweden and she knows a lot about art. She even helps people buy art at auctions. Isn’t that a fun job? Mattias is not alone; he has two brothers, Magnus and Axel.

Imagine having two brothers to play with all the time! They must have so much fun together, playing games and maybe even making their funny home movies. Being part of the Ferrell family sounds like an adventure every day!

Wife and Girlfriend

Mattias Paulin Ferrell is still very young, so talking about a wife or girlfriend is like thinking about what you want to be when you grow up – it’s way too early! Right now, Mattias is more focused on school, playing with his brothers, Magnus and Axel, and maybe enjoying some hobbies. Just like how some kids dream about becoming astronauts or teachers, Mattias might have big dreams, but those don’t include dating yet. He’s busy learning new things, having fun with his family, and just being a kid. Kids need to enjoy their childhood and not rush into grown-up things too soon. Mattias has lots of time to think about dating when he’s much older.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Mattias Paulin Ferrell is a young boy, who is 17 years old since he was born on December 30, 2006. As he is still growing, his exact height and weight keep changing, just like how you might shoot up over the summer! You know how sometimes you wake up and your pants are suddenly too short? It’s kind of like that.

Mattias probably looks a lot like any other kid you might know, with his unique style. He has hair and eyes and smiles just like you and your friends. Since he’s the son of a famous actor, some people are curious if he’ll be tall like his dad, Will Ferrell. We don’t have all the details about how he looks now because his family likes to keep things private, which is pretty cool. They enjoy their time together without worrying too much about the camera.

Mattias Paulin Ferrell Career

Mattias Paulin Ferrell is still pretty young, just like you! He’s only 17 years old, so he hasn’t started a big job like being in movies or on TV shows yet. Right now, Mattias is probably focusing on school and having fun just like any other kid. His dad, Will Ferrell, is famous for being in lots of funny movies, so maybe one day Mattias might want to be in movies too. But for now, he’s enjoying being a kid, learning new things, and playing with his brothers. Sometimes, kids think about what they want to be when they grow up, and Mattias might have some ideas, but he’s got lots of time to decide. Just imagine, he could be anything he wants when he gets older!

Social Media Presence

Mattias Paulin Ferrell is like a lot of kids who don’t spend all their time online or posting pictures. Since he’s still young and his family likes to keep things private, you won’t find him sharing lots of stuff on the internet like Instagram or Twitter. His dad, Will Ferrell, and his mom, Viveca Paulin, probably think it’s best for Mattias and his brothers. Magnus and Axel, enjoy their childhood without worrying about social media. This means Mattias gets to have fun playing, learning, and doing hobbies without thinking about posting it online. So, if you’re looking for what Mattias is up to on the internet, you might not find much. But that’s okay because he’s busy having fun in the real world with his family and friends!

Net Worth and Achievement

Mattias Paulin Ferrell is still a kid, so talking about his net worth is like counting the stars in the sky – pretty hard to do! Unlike grown-ups who work jobs to earn money, Mattias is lucky because he gets to focus on being a student and having fun. Sometimes, when grown-ups talk about “net worth,” they mean how much money someone has. But for Mattias, his “riches” are probably his toys, books, and the fun times with his family. About achievements, well, being a great kid, going to school, and learning new things every day are his biggest accomplishments so far. And that’s pretty awesome! Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and right now, Mattias is doing exactly what he should be – enjoying being a kid.

Mattias Paulin Ferrell Hobbies

  • Mattias Paulin Ferrell likes to play games, just like you might enjoy video games or board games with your friends and family.
  • He loves spending time outdoors, playing sports, or exploring nature. Maybe he enjoys soccer or baseball, or going on hikes.
  • With a dad like Will Ferrell, Mattias probably enjoys watching funny movies or even acting out scenes for fun.
  • Art might be something he’s into, drawing or painting, especially because his mom knows so much about art.
  • Mattias could also enjoy reading books or creating stories, letting his imagination run wild.
  • Music is a great hobby, so maybe he likes listening to songs, dancing, or even learning how to play an instrument.

Interesting Facts About Mattias Paulin Ferrell

  • Mattias has a birthday close to New Year’s Eve, making his birthday parties extra special with double celebrations.
  • Even though his dad is famous, Mattias and his family try to live a normal life, doing things like going to the park and having dinner together.
  • He has a unique middle name, Paulin, which comes from his mom’s side of the family, showing how both his parents’ backgrounds are important to him.
  • Mattias might be learning how to speak Swedish because his mom is from Sweden, which means he could talk in two languages.
  • Since his dad is really funny, Mattias might be good at telling jokes or making his friends laugh at school.
  • His family loves animals, so Mattias may have a pet at home that he takes care of.


Q1: Does Mattias Paulin Ferrell act in movies like his dad?

A: Not yet, he’s still going to school and having fun as a kid.

Q2: Is Mattias on TV or the internet a lot?

A: No, he likes to keep his life private and enjoys playing and learning away from the spotlight.

Q3: Can Mattias speak two languages?

A: He might be learning Swedish from his mom, so it’s possible he speaks two languages.

Q4: What does Mattias like to do for fun?

A: He enjoys playing games, being outdoors, watching movies, and maybe even making up stories.

Q5: Does Mattias have any pets?

A: It’s possible, as his family loves animals, but we don’t know for sure.

Q6: When is Mattias’s birthday?

A: His birthday is on December 30, which is close to New Year’s Eve!


In this fun journey, we’ve learned a lot about Mattias Paulin Ferrell, the young boy with a famous dad and a smart mom. We discovered that Mattias is growing up with love, learning, and laughter, surrounded by his family and friends. Even though he’s not a movie star like his dad, Will Ferrell, or selling art like his mom, Viveca Paulin, he’s having a wonderful childhood filled with games, school, and hobbies. Mattias’s life is full of adventure, from playing sports to possibly learning Swedish. Every day is a new opportunity for him to explore, learn, and just be a happy kid. Remember, no matter who your family is, being a kid is all about having fun, discovering the world, and dreaming big for the future.


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