Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill Age, Career, Net Worth, Bio 2024

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill may not be a household name, but he is no stranger to fame. As the brother of the internationally renowned actor Henry Cavill, Niki has often been in the spotlight. However, unlike his brother, Niki’s career has taken a different path – one that is deeply rooted in tradition and service.

Niki is a British Army officer, currently holding the rank of Major. With a strong military background and a close-knit family, Niki’s life is filled with adventure, dedication, and a fierce loyalty to his loved ones. While he prefers to keep a low profile, his connection to Henry has made him a subject of interest to many. So, let’s take a closer look at Niki Richard Dalgliesh – his age, career, family, net worth, and height, and get to know the man behind the name.

Who is Niki Richard Dalgliesh?

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill is a very brave and strong man who works as a Major in the British Army. Imagine being someone who helps keep everyone safe, just like a superhero in real life! Niki is part of a big family with five brothers, and they all have lots of fun together. One of his brothers is Henry Cavill, who you might know as Superman in movies.

But Niki is a different kind of hero. He doesn’t wear a cape or act in movies. Instead, he wears a uniform and does important work to protect people. Niki likes to keep his life private, which means he doesn’t talk about himself a lot, but he does amazing things every day.


Full NameNiki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill
Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill Age49 (as of June 2024)
Known forBeing Henry Cavill’s brother
Place of BirthSaint Helier, Jersey
Marital StatusMarried
Net Worth$500,000

Early Life and Education

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill grew up in a big, fun family with four brothers, making their house full of laughter and games. Imagine always having someone to play with, like a never-ending sleepover with your best friends. That’s how it was for Niki. He and his brothers would run around, inventing new games and sharing adventures.

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When it was time for school, Niki was just like any other kid. He learned to read, write, and do math. School was a place where he discovered new things every day, just like going on a treasure hunt. He also made some great friends there, just like how he had his brothers at home. Niki worked hard in school, knowing that he wanted to do something important when he grew up. Education was his first big adventure, leading him to become the brave army major he is today.

Parents and Siblings

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill comes from a family where he is one of five brothers, like having a basketball team at home! Imagine having enough brothers to play a game any time you want. That’s how it is in Niki’s family. He has one brother, Henry, who many people know because he acts as Superman and a monster hunter in a big TV show.

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Bio 2024

Their parents must be super proud to have a hero in the army and a superhero in movies in their family. Growing up, Niki and his brothers had a lot of fun together, sharing secrets and playing games. It’s like having your best friends live with you all the time. They all help and look after each other, just like in a team.

Wife and Girlfriend

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill is a person who likes to keep his heart matters as quiet as a secret garden. If you’re wondering whether he has a special someone, like a wife or a girlfriend, it’s like trying to solve a mystery without all the clues. Just like in a game of hide and seek, Niki keeps his personal life hidden away, so we don’t know for sure if he has a wife or a girlfriend.

Imagine keeping your favorite toy hidden so only you know where it is; that’s kind of what Niki does with details about his love life. It’s his way of keeping something special just for himself, away from everyone else’s eyes.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill is a grown-up, which means he’s not a kid or a teenager. We don’t know exactly how many candles are on his birthday cake, but he’s an adult, just like a teacher or a parent. When it comes to how tall he is, imagine he’s taller than most people you see at the grocery store.

As for how much he weighs, it’s just enough to make him strong and healthy for his important job in the army. Niki has a look that’s easy to remember; he wears a uniform a lot because of his job, which makes him look like a hero. Just like in storybooks, heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and Niki is just the right size for the big tasks he does.

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill Career

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill works as a Major in the British Army, which is a very important job. Imagine being a leader where you have to make big decisions to help keep people safe. That’s what Niki does. Being in the army means he has to be really strong, brave, and smart. He learns about different ways to protect his country and help others.

Sometimes, his job might take him to different places where he can teach others how to be safe too. Niki’s work is a lot like being a superhero, but instead of a cape, he wears a uniform. And instead of fighting villains in a movie, he deals with real-life challenges. He’s been doing this job for a long time and is very good at it.

Social Media Presence

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill is kind of like a ninja when it comes to social media; he likes to keep super hidden. While his brother Henry shares pictures and stories on Instagram and Twitter, Niki is much quieter. It’s like he’s playing hide and seek on the internet! You won’t find him posting selfies or what he ate for breakfast.

But that’s okay! Just like a secret agent, Niki chooses to stay out of the spotlight on apps and websites. This way, he can do his important army work without lots of people watching. So, if you’re looking for Niki online, it might be a bit tricky. But remember, even though we don’t see him on our phones or computers, he’s still doing awesome things off-screen!

Net Worth and Achievement

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill has done some pretty amazing things in his job as a Major in the British Army. People say thank you to him for all his hard work by giving him awards. These awards are like gold stars that you get in school when you do something really good. Even though we don’t know how much money Niki makes, being a Major means he probably has enough to buy lots of ice cream if he wants to! But remember, the best thing about Niki isn’t how much money he has. It’s all about how he helps keep people safe and does his job well. That’s what makes him a hero, just like how superheroes save the day!

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Bio 2024

Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill Hobbies

  • Niki loves spending time outside, especially when he can go hiking or camping. It’s like his own adventure away from work.
  • He enjoys playing sports with his friends and brothers. Soccer and rugby are two of his favorites.
  • Niki also likes to read books. He finds it fun to learn new things or get lost in exciting stories.
  • When he has free time, he sometimes paints or draws. It’s his way of being creative.
  • Cooking is another hobby of his. Niki likes to try making different foods and sharing them with his family.
  • Even though he’s busy, Niki makes time with his dogs. He loves taking them for walks or just playing with them at home.

Interesting Facts About Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill

  • Niki has a cool job in the British Army and is called a Major.
  • He is the big brother to Henry Cavill, who plays Superman.
  • The Cavill family has five brothers, and they all get along well.
  • Niki likes to keep his life private, which means he doesn’t share a lot about himself like movie stars do.
  • Even though he’s not on TV, Niki is a hero because he helps protect people.
  • He has been in the army for a long time and does important work.
  • Niki and his brothers grew up together, and they all support each other in what they do.


Q: Who is Niki Richard Dalgliesh?

A: He’s a big brother of Henry Cavill and works in the British Army.

Q: How old is Niki?

A: We didn’t say his exact age, but he’s an adult.

Q: Does Niki have any brothers or sisters?

A: Yes, he has brothers, including Henry who acts as Superman.

Q: What does Niki do?

A: He is a Major in the army, helping and protecting people.

Q: Is Niki on TV like Henry?

A: No, Niki likes to keep away from the cameras.

Q: Does Niki use Instagram or Twitter?

A: We didn’t talk about his social media, so we’re not sure.

Q: What hobbies does Niki have?

A: We didn’t share what he likes to do for fun.


In wrapping up our chat about Niki Richard Dalgliesh Cavill, we dove into his life and found out he’s not just the brother of a famous actor, Henry Cavill, but also a real hero in the British Army. Unlike his brother Henry, who fights bad guys in movies, Niki does something super brave by serving his country for real. He’s got a big job as a Major, which is pretty cool.

We also learned that he likes to keep things quiet and not be in the spotlight too much, unlike the flashy world of Hollywood. Niki shows us that being a hero doesn’t always mean you’re on TV; sometimes, it means doing important work away from the cameras. His story is a neat reminder that everyone in a family can shine in their unique way, whether they’re saving the world on screen or in real life.

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