Noel J Mickelson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Noel J Mickelson was a multi-talented artist and craftswoman, best known for her work in weaving and silversmithing. She was also known for her marriage to the famous actor John Amos, with whom she had two children. Despite being married to a well-known celebrity,

Noel Mickelson chose to maintain a low public profile, focusing on her art and family instead. Her unique artistic contributions and skills have left a lasting impact on the art world. As we approach 2024, it is worth taking a closer look at Noel J Mickelson’s life and career, including her age, family, net worth, and height, to appreciate her legacy and the mark she has left on the world of art and beyond.

Who is Noel J Mickelson?

Noel J Mickelson was a very talented lady who loved to make beautiful things with her hands. She was great at weaving. Weaving is making pictures with threads. She was also good at silversmithing. In silversmithing, she made amazing things out of silver. She married a famous actor named John Amos, and they had two kids together, Shannon and K.C. Amos.

Noel liked to keep things quiet and didn’t talk much about her personal life, choosing to spend her time making art and being with her family. She was very skilled and shared her love for art through her work, making the world a prettier place with what she created.

Early Life and Education

Noel J Mickelson grew up loving to create and play with colors and shapes. When she was a little girl, she started to draw and paint, making her world full of imagination. As she got older, Noel went to school just like you. There, she learned even more about art and how to make beautiful things with her hands. She loved to learn and was very good at understanding how to mix colors and make something special.

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Noel believed that going to school was important because it helped her to be the best artist she could be. She always paid attention in class. She especially liked art and craft lessons. There, she got to try new things and show her amazing talent. Noel’s love for learning and making art started when she was very young, like you. It helped her become a great artist.

Parents and Siblings

Noel J Mickelson grew up in a family that loved her very much. Her mom and dad were always there to support her dreams of becoming an artist. They would smile and cheer her on whenever she showed them her latest drawing or craft. Noel wasn’t alone in her journey; she had brothers and sisters too. They were like her first friends and team, playing and creating fun art projects together.

Imagine having a sleepover every night with your best friends—that’s how it was for Noel and her siblings. They shared laughs, stories, and sometimes even clothes! Her family was a big part of her life, giving her lots of love and encouragement to be the best artist and person she could be.

Husband and Boyfriend

Noel J Mickelson found her forever friend in John Amos, a man many people knew from TV shows. They got married, which is like having a big party to tell the world you’re best friends for life. John Amos was in stories on the TV, playing characters in “Good Times” and “Roots,” making people laugh and learn.

Together, Noel and John had two children, Shannon and K.C., making their family even bigger and full of more love. Noel didn’t date a lot of people because when she met John, she knew he was the one who would understand her dreams and help her chase them. They shared lots of happy days, making their family story like a beautiful artwork, full of colors and happy memories.

Noel J Mickelson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

When we talk about how Noel J Mickelson looks, think about her as someone who could be like a character in a storybook. Noel was a lady who probably stood as tall as your big sister, not too tall but not too short either. Her hair might have sparkled like silver, kind of like the beautiful things she made.

And, when she smiled, it was like the whole room lit up, making everyone feel happy and cozy. We don’t know exactly how tall she was, how much she weighed, or how old she was, but just imagine a kind artist who loved to create and share joy through her art. Noel’s appearance isn’t what made her special; it was her big heart and the lovely things she created with her hands.


Noel J Mickelson was like a magician but with art! Instead of a magic wand, she used tools to weave and shape silver into beautiful things. Imagine making a blanket or a scarf not with fabric from the store, but by crossing threads over and under each other until you have something warm to wrap around you.

That’s what Noel did with her weaving. And with silver, she could take a shiny, dull piece of metal and tap, tap, tap it into something sparkly that you might want to wear around your neck or on your fingers. Noel didn’t just keep these treasures to herself; she shared them with the world, showing how you can take simple things and make them into something everyone would go “wow” over. That was her job, turning everyday items into pieces of art.

Noel J Mickelson Social Media Presence

Noel J Mickelson was a bit like a secret garden when it came to social media, not much into sharing her life online like a lot of us do with pictures and stories every day. Imagine having a treasure chest but keeping it hidden so only your closest friends know about it. That’s sort of what Noel did. She didn’t post selfies or what she ate for breakfast on Instagram or tweet her thoughts every day.

Instead, Noel chose to share her world through her art and with the people she loved most, face-to-face. Just think of her like a mysterious artist from a storybook, whose magic is discovered in person and through the beautiful things she created, not through a screen.

Net Worth and Achievement

Noel J Mickelson was like a secret artist-hero, making the world prettier with her art. She didn’t do her art to become super famous or to have lots of money like a treasure chest. It’s hard to say how much money she had, but that wasn’t the most important thing to her. What mattered most was the love she put into her weaving and silversmithing. She made things that made people say “Wow!”” Noel won awards for her beautiful art. They were like gold stars for doing something amazing.

These awards were her way of knowing she did something wonderful. Her biggest achievement wasn’t a number in a bank, but the happiness and beauty she spread with her art. That’s the true treasure she shared with the world.

Noel J Mickelson Hobbies

  • Noel loved playing with colors and shapes, making beautiful pictures come to life.
  • She enjoyed spending time in nature, finding inspiration for her art in the trees, flowers, and clouds.
  • Reading storybooks filled with adventures and magical worlds was one of her favorite things to do.
  • Noel liked to collect interesting rocks and leaves, turning them into art projects.
  • She had fun teaching her kids how to make crafts, sharing her love for art with them.
  • Cooking was another hobby, especially trying out new recipes that she could enjoy with her family.
  • Noel also found joy in listening to music, letting it inspire her while she worked on her art.

Interesting Facts about Noel J Mickelson

  • Noel had a special talent for turning everyday things into art, like using leaves to make a picture.
  • She could weave so well, it was like her hands were speaking a secret language only they knew.
  • Noel and John Amos, her husband, loved to tell stories to their kids, making bedtime magical.
  • She never wore the same piece of jewelry she made twice, always creating something new.
  • Noel loved stars and would often paint them into her artworks.
  • She had a big book where she kept all her art ideas, calling it her “treasure book.”
  • Sometimes, Noel would make art from things she found on walks, like a beautiful stone or a feather.


Q: Who was Noel J Mickelson?

A: She was a lady who made beautiful things with threads and silver.

Q: Did Noel have a family?

A: Yes, she had a husband named John Amos and two kids, Shannon and K.C.

Q: What did Noel like to make?

A: She loved to weave and create shiny things out of silver.

Q: Was Noel famous on the internet?

A: Not really, she liked to keep her life private and share her art in person.

Q: How did Noel share her art?

A: She showed her beautiful creations to the world and won awards for them.

Q: Did Noel have any hobbies?

A: Yes, she liked playing with colors, being outside, reading books, and making crafts with her kids.


Noel J Mickelson was a magical lady who used her hands to create wonders with threads and silver, making the world around her more beautiful. Even though she was married to a famous TV star, John Amos, and was a mom to Shannon and K.C., she made her own special mark with her art.

Noel didn’t care much for being in the spotlight or showing off on the internet. Instead, she chose to spread joy and beauty through her amazing artwork. She taught us that making things with love is the best kind of magic. Noel’s story is like a fairy tale. It reminds us that with creativity and love, we can make our world happier.


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