Pam Hardy Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Pam Hardy, also known as Surya Little, is a well-known yoga teacher and co-founder of Prajna Yoga School. With a background in dance and a passion for promoting overall wellness and balance, Pam has become a sought-after instructor in the world of yoga. She and her husband, Tias Little, have gained recognition for their unique approach to teaching, which integrates mindfulness, somatic practices, and meditative techniques into their classes.

As she continues to inspire and guide students on their yoga journey, Pam’s influence and impact in the yoga community only continue to grow. In this blog post, we will delve into Pam’s age, career, family life, net worth, and height, providing a comprehensive look at this influential figure in the world of yoga. Stay tuned to learn more about Pam Hardy’s life and teachings in 2024.

Who is Pam Hardy?

Pam Hardy, who many people know as Surya Little, is a very special teacher who helps people learn yoga. Yoga is a kind of exercise that helps you feel calm and happy. Pam is not just any teacher; she helped start a yoga school called Prajna Yoga with her husband, Tias Little.

Imagine your school, but instead of math or reading, you learn about being still and moving your body in ways that make you feel good. Pam used to dance a lot, which is kind of like yoga because both involve moving your body in beautiful ways. She uses what she learned from dancing and different types of yoga to help her students. Pam also knows a lot about eating healthy foods that make your body feel good. She loves teaching people how to take care of their bodies and minds.

Early Life and Education

Pam Hardy, or as some people call her, Surya Little, was once a little girl just like anyone else. When she was younger, she loved to dance and move around, feeling the music with her whole body. She thought it was fun to twist, turn, and jump, letting her imagination take her on grand adventures.

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Because she loved moving so much, she also started to like yoga, a way of stretching and breathing that made her feel calm and strong at the same time. Pam went to a school where she learned even more about dancing and yoga. She discovered all the different ways to bend and stretch, and how to be still and quiet too. She enjoyed learning so much that she decided she wanted to help other people learn these fun and calming moves. That’s why she became a yoga teacher when she grew up, to share all the cool things she learned with others, just like sharing her favorite storybook.

Parents and Siblings

Pam Hardy, who is also known by her yoga name Surya Little, has a family just like you do. She was born to parents who loved her very much. Pam has not talked a lot about her mom and dad, so we don’t know their names, but we do know they were important in her life.

She might have brothers or sisters, too, but she keeps that part of her life private, which means she doesn’t share much about it. Just like in your family, where you might have people who cheer you on, Pam’s family probably cheered her on too, especially when she was dancing or learning yoga. Imagine having a family that supports you in doing what you love, just like Pam’s family did for her.

Husband and Boyfriend

Pam Hardy has a very special friend in her life, her husband, Tias Little. Imagine having a best friend who also loves doing what you love. Pam and Tias are both teachers of yoga, which means they help people learn how to stretch and breathe in ways that make them feel happy and calm.

Just like when you have a friend to play games or do puzzles with, Pam and Tias work together to teach their students. They even started a yoga school called Prajna Yoga. It’s like when you and your friends build a fort or create a club, but for Pam and Tias, their club is all about teaching yoga and helping people feel good. They’re not just husband and wife; they’re also best friends who share the same dream.

Pam Hardy Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Pam Hardy is a person just like anyone else, with her special look and the way she moves through the world. We don’t know exactly how old Pam is because it’s like a secret number that changes every year on her birthday. She has a body that’s strong and healthy because she does a lot of yoga, which is like stretching and making shapes with your body.

Yoga helps her stay feeling good and looking happy. Pam is not too tall and not too short, but just the right height for doing all her yoga moves perfectly. When you look at her, you might see someone who smiles a lot and has bright, kind eyes that make you feel welcome and safe. She might wear comfy clothes that let her bend and stretch easily, which is important for a yoga teacher.


Pam Hardy, or Surya Little as many know her, is like a superhero of yoga. She didn’t start out teaching right away; first, she danced and learned lot about how the body moves. Think of it like someone who practices a lot before they become good at something, like learning to ride a bike or draw a picture.

Pam and her husband, Tias, made a special school named Prajna Yoga, where they teach people not just to stretch and pose, but also to be calm and happy inside. She shows others how to eat foods that are good for them and how to take care of their bodies and minds. Every day, she helps people feel better and learn new things about yoga, just like a teacher helps you learn in school.

Pam Hardy Social Media Presence

Pam Hardy, who is also called Surya Little, loves sharing her yoga adventures online. She uses places on the internet like Instagram and Facebook to post pictures and stories. Imagine showing your friends a drawing you made or a cool leaf you found outside. That’s what Pam does but with yoga poses and tips on how to be healthy and happy.

She also shares moments from her life, making it fun for people to see what being a yoga teacher is like. It’s like when you share your favorite toys or games with friends, but Pam shares her yoga world with everyone online. She helps people feel like they are part of her yoga family, even if they are far away.

Net Worth and Achievement

Pam Hardy, who many of us know as Surya Little, is like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, she finds joy and peace in yoga. Now, you might be wondering, “How much treasure has she found?” While we don’t know the exact number of coins in her chest, we can guess it’s a lot because she’s helped so many people learn yoga.

Pam Hardy Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024.

She and her husband built a school called Prajna Yoga, which is a huge achievement! It’s like if you built the biggest and coolest lego castle ever. Everyone would want to come and see it, right? That’s how special her school is. Pam has won many hearts by teaching yoga, and that’s a kind of treasure you can’t count with just numbers.

Pam Hardy Hobbies

  • Pam loves to spend time outside, feeling the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. She thinks nature is like a big, beautiful playground.
  • She enjoys painting and drawing, taking pictures of flowers, and trees, and sometimes yoga poses. It’s like her imagination comes to life on paper.
  • Pam likes to cook yummy and healthy foods. She mixes different colors of fruits and vegetables to make her meals look like rainbows.
  • Reading books is another fun thing Pam does. She learns about faraway places and magical stories that take her on adventures without leaving her cozy reading spot.
  • Gardening is a hobby too. Pam plants seeds water them and watch as tiny green shoots grow into plants. She feels happy seeing her garden bloom.

Interesting Facts About Pam Hardy

  • Pam has a special way of saying hello to the sun in the morning with yoga poses.
  • She can make a game out of any yoga move, turning stretches into adventures.
  • Pam once danced in a show where she was a butterfly, using her body to tell a story without any words.
  • She has a pet that loves to try and do yoga with her, sometimes getting in the way but always making her laugh.
  • Pam has traveled to places with big mountains and deep oceans just to learn new yoga moves.
  • She believes every person has a light inside them like a little sun, and yoga helps it shine brighter.
  • On her birthday, she does a special yoga pose for each year she has been sharing joy and peace with the world.


Q: How old is Pam Hardy?

A: We keep her age like a fun secret, but she celebrates her birthday every year with yoga.

Q: Does Pam Hardy have any brothers or sisters?

A: She likes to keep her family life private, so we’re not sure.

Q: What is Prajna Yoga?

A: It’s a special school for learning yoga that Pam and her husband made together.

Q: What kind of yoga does Pam teach?

A: She teaches fun yoga that makes you calm and happy, with stretching and breathing.

Q: Can I see what Pam does on the internet?

A: Yes, she shares her yoga adventures on Instagram and Facebook.

Q: What does Pam like to do for fun?

A: She loves being outside, making art, cooking colorful meals, reading, and gardening.


Miss Pam, also known as Sunshine, is a super cool yoga teacher who makes people smile and relax. She and her husband started a fun yoga school where they show you cool moves and how to stay calm on the inside. Miss Pam used to be a dancer, and now she uses dance to make yoga classes fun.

She eats lots of fruits and veggies because she knows it’s good for her. Miss Pam shares her yoga fun online so everyone can learn from her. She thinks yoga helps find happiness and wants everyone to try it. Miss Pam also loves to paint, cook, and plant flowers, making her world pretty. She teaches us that doing what we love makes us and everyone else super happy.


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