Presley Elise Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Presley Elise is a rising star in the world of social media and performance arts. Born in 2007, this young American influencer has already made a name for herself with her talent, hard work, and engaging content. At the age of two, she started dancing, and by four, she was already a competitive cheerleader, winning titles like LA Perfect Cheerleader and Little Miss Louisiana United States.

Presley has also made a mark in the modeling industry, working with top brands and serving as a Junior Model for Rebel Athletic. With over 100,000 followers on Instagram and a growing presence on TikTok, Presley is set to make big waves in the coming years. Stay tuned to learn more about Presley Elise’s career, family, net worth, and height as we dive into her bio for 2024.

Who is Presley Elise?

Presley Elise is a girl who loves to dance, cheer, and be in pictures. She lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and was born on a cold day in December, like when snowflakes dance in the sky. She started dancing when she was just a tiny girl, only two years old, and cheering for teams at four.

Imagine playing dress-up and getting to wear beautiful dresses and shiny shoes all the time; that’s what Presley does! She also makes fun videos and shares them with people all over the world on TikTok and Instagram. People love watching her because she brings joy and sparkles just like a star in the night sky.

Early Life and Education

In the beginning, Presley Elise opened her eyes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, like a tiny star ready to shine. From when she was just a little girl, smaller than you, she loved to dance and play. She went to a school just like you do, where she learned about numbers, letters, and how to share with friends. Presley was not just any student; she was like a little bee, always busy and full of energy.

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While she was growing up, she also learned to dance and cheer, becoming good at it. School for Presley was not just about books; it was also about making friends, learning cool new things, and having fun every day. She showed everyone that learning and doing what you love, like dancing or cheering, can happen together, making every day an adventure.

Parents and Siblings

Presley Elise has a family who loves her very much. She has a mommy and daddy who support her in everything she does, like when she dances, cheers, and even models. They’re always there to cheer her on, take her to practices, and help her get ready for her photo shoots. Presley might have brothers or sisters,

but we don’t know much about them. If she does, they must be proud of their sister for all the amazing things she does. Just like in a team, her family works together to make sure Presley can follow her dreams and have fun doing what she loves. They’re like her personal cheer squad, always ready to clap and cheer the loudest for her.

Husband and Boyfriend

Presley Elise is like the princess in your favorite storybook, living in a world full of adventures, dance, and sparkly dresses. Just like how some stories have princes and princesses, you might wonder if Presley has a prince in her tale. Right now, she’s on a big adventure, learning new dances, making videos, and being a super cheerleader. Presley is still very young, not much older than when you start learning lots of new things at school.

She’s busy being a kid, having fun, and dreaming big dreams. So, there’s no prince or boyfriend in her story yet, just lots of friends, family, and fans cheering her on as she dances and cheers her way through her magical journey.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Presley Elise Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Imagine being a young adventurer, exploring the world of dance and fashion; that’s Presley Elise! She was born on a chilly winter day, December 8, 2007, making her journey through childhood full of fun and adventure. Right now, she’s just a teenager, stepping into her shoes, growing tall, and learning more every day.

Though we don’t talk about someone’s weight because it’s not how we measure fun or talent, Presley stands tall, glowing with energy. Her height adds to her grace when she dances and cheers, making every move look magical.


Presley Elise is like a superhero of dancing and modeling. She started showing the world her superpowers when she was very tiny, only two years old! She danced almost as soon as she could walk. Then, she became a cheerleader at four, jumping and cheering with all her might. Presley also turns into a model for cool clothes, wearing outfits from famous brands and looking like a princess in them. She works with brands that make beautiful dresses and sporty clothes, showing them off in photos and on the runway. Imagine playing dress-up and getting to wear the prettiest outfits all the time; that’s what Presley does in her career! She has fun, works hard, and shares her sparkle everywhere she goes.

Presley Elise Social Media Presence

Presley Elise loves sharing her life online, just like when you share your favorite toys with friends. She uses TikTok and Instagram, where lots of people follow her. Imagine your whole school watching you do fun dances and wear pretty dresses; that’s what it’s like for Presley! On Instagram,

she has more than 106,000 friends who like to see her photos. And on TikTok, nearly 50,000 people watch her dance and play. It’s like having a huge party with friends from all over the world every day. She shows everyone how good she is at dancing and cheerleading and even shares tips on how to look cool in pictures. Isn’t it fun to make so many friends by just being yourself and sharing what you love?

Net Worth and Achievement

Presley Elise is like a superstar in her world. Imagine having a big jar full of cookies; that’s how Presley’s achievements and net worth feel. She’s not just a dancer or a model; she’s a winner too! She got to be the LA Perfect Cheerleader, which is a huge deal, and she was also called Little Miss Louisiana United States. That’s like being chosen as the best cheerleader and the loveliest young lady in the whole state!

Now, talking about her net worth, it’s like her treasure chest. While we don’t know exactly how much is in there because it’s kind of a secret, we can guess it’s a lot! Because she works with big brands and has so many fans, Presley probably has a pretty awesome treasure chest, full of shiny things from all her hard work and talent.

Presley Elise Hobbies

  • Presley loves to dance. She dances like a butterfly flapping its wings.
  • Cheerleading is super fun for her. She jumps and shouts cheers to make her team win.
  • Making videos for TikTok is something she enjoys. She pretends to sing and does funny dances.
  • Hanging out on Instagram is cool for her. She shares pictures where she looks like a princess.
  • Playing dress-up is her favorite game. She tries on fancy dresses and imagines she’s at a big party.
  • Listening to music and moving to the beat is something she can’t get enough of.
  • When not in front of the camera, she likes drawing. Her pictures are full of colors and happiness.
Presley Elise Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Interesting Facts about Presley Elise

  • Presley Elise started dancing when she was just two years old.
  • She loves cheerleading and even won a title for being super good at it.
  • Presley has been in ads for cool brands like Sally Miller and Miss Behave Girls.
  • She has a lot of followers on Instagram and TikTok because people enjoy watching her dance and model.
  • Presley got to be a Junior Model for a fancy sports clothing brand called Rebel Athletic.
  • She also was called LA Perfect Cheerleader and Little Miss Louisiana United States because of her talents.
  • Besides dancing and cheerleading, Presley likes to have fun on social media and share what she does with friends online.


Q: How old is Presley Elise?

A: She was born on December 8, 2007, so you can figure out her age by the current year.

Q: Does Presley Elise go to school?

A: Yes, she goes to school like other kids her age and also does her dancing and modeling.

Q: What does Presley Elise like to do for fun?

A: She loves dancing, cheerleading, and hanging out on social media.

Q: Has Presley won any awards?

A: Yes, she has won titles like LA Perfect Cheerleader and Little Miss Louisiana United States.

Q: How can I see what Presley Elise does?

A: You can watch her dance, cheer, and model by following her on Instagram and TikTok.

Q: Does Presley Elise have any brothers or sisters?

A: The blog didn’t say, so we might have to look more to find out.


In wrapping up, Presley Elise is a bright and talented young girl from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She dances, cheers, and models, showing us that you can do many cool things if you work hard and follow your dreams. She’s not much older than you but has already done so much, like winning cheerleading titles and modeling for big brands.

Presley also has lots of friends on Instagram and TikTok who love to see what she’s up to. She reminds us that it’s fun to try new things and to keep smiling and shining, just like she does. Isn’t that awesome?


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