Shareef Jackson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Shareef Jackson is an inspirational figure in the world of education and STEM advocacy. Born in 1985, he has dedicated his career to making science, technology, engineering, and math more inclusive and accessible for underrepresented groups. In addition to being a successful educator and scientist, Jackson is also a devoted family man and father. His passion for diversity and education has led him to found the popular blog “STEM Diversity” and co-host the podcast “Spawn On Me”. With his engaging public speaking skills and online presence,

Jackson continues to break down barriers and inspire the next generation of STEM leaders. As of 2024, his net worth is estimated to be over $1 million, but his impact on the field of STEM is priceless. Standing at an impressive height of 6’3″, Shareef Jackson is a dynamic and influential force in promoting diversity and equity in STEM fields.

Who is Shareef Jackson?

Shareef Jackson is a super cool teacher and scientist who loves to help everyone learn about science, technology, engineering, and math, which people call STEM for short. He thinks it’s really important that everyone, no matter where they come from, gets to be a part of learning and doing great things in STEM.

Shareef made a special blog called “STEM Diversity” to share stories and tips on how to make STEM fun and open for all. He also talks on a podcast named “Spawn On Me” about video games and how they can help us learn and understand each other better. Shareef loves to teach and talk about how we can all help make learning about science and math a great adventure for everyone.

Early Life and Education

Shareef Jackson was always super curious about everything around him when he was a little kid. He loved to ask “why?” and “how?” about all kinds of stuff, like why the sky is blue or how airplanes stay up in the sky. He was born in a place where not everyone had the same chances to learn about science and math, which made him feel sad.

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So, he worked super hard in school, especially in his favorite subjects like math and science. He went to a big school called a university where he learned even more about these subjects. Shareef wanted to make sure that other kids, no matter where they come from, could love and learn about STEM stuff just like he did. That’s why he decided to become not just a scientist, but a teacher too, to share his love for learning with everyone.

Parents and Siblings

Shareef Jackson has a loving family that has always cheered him on. His mom and dad always told him he could reach for the stars and helped him love learning. Shareef has brothers and sisters too! They played together a lot and sometimes even did fun science experiments at home. Imagine making a volcano in your kitchen or looking at the stars and dreaming about outer space!

His family helped him see that being smart is cool and that helping others is even cooler. They all believe in sharing and caring, just like in a team where everyone helps each other. That’s why Shareef loves teaching and helping everyone learn about STEM because his family showed him how awesome it is to share what you know and help others grow.

Wife and Girlfriend

Shareef Jackson is not just amazing at science and math, but he also has a heart full of love. He has a special someone in his life who thinks he’s just as awesome as we all do. Together, they share lots of laughs, support each other’s dreams, and make everyday life a fun adventure.

Shareef believes that having someone to share your joys with. Also, sharing challenges with, others makes life better. In a team, everyone works together. Shareef and his partner show us how family teamwork can make everything better. They teach us that love is as important as science and math. It’s a key part of life that improves everything.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Shareef Jackson is a cool grown-up who teaches people about science and math. He was born a long time ago, in 1985, which makes him 39 years old in 2024! He’s pretty tall, like a basketball player, standing at 6 feet 3 inches high. We don’t talk about how much people weigh because it’s more about being healthy and happy, and Shareef looks super strong and healthy. He usually wears glasses, which makes him look smart and kind of like a superhero scientist.

Shareef has a big smile that shows he loves what he does, teaching kids and grown-ups about how awesome STEM is. He dresses cool too, sometimes in t-shirts that have fun science and math stuff on them, making learning look like a fun adventure.

Shareef Jackson Career

Shareef Jackson is like a superhero for learning! After he finished school, he decided he wanted to be a teacher and a scientist. Shareef didn’t stop there, though. He created a special place on the internet called “STEM Diversity” where he writes stories and gives advice on how to make science and math fun for everyone, no matter who they are or where they’re from.

He also talks on a cool show called the “Spawn On Me” podcast, where he chats about video games and how they can help us understand big ideas and each other. Shareef loves teaching and showing people how awesome and exciting STEM can be. He helps make learning about numbers and how the world works an adventure for everyone.

Social Media Presence

Shareef Jackson is super cool on the internet too! He uses platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Shareef talks about how he loves science and math. He also talks about making sure everyone gets to learn. He’s always there to help with math or science, like a superhero of online learning.

Shareef also shows he cares about everyone feeling welcome in STEM. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. If you like fun space stories or cool math games, Shareef’s social media is the place to be! He’s making sure that no matter who you are, you can find something fun and exciting about STEM.

Net Worth and Achievement

Shareef Jackson is like a treasure hunter. But, instead of gold, he searches for ways to make learning fun for everyone. This adventure has made him quite successful, kind of like when you save up a lot of gold coins in a video game. People think he has saved over $1 million coins. This is because of his smart work with “Math Looks Good” and sharing cool stories on “STEM Diversity.” But, it’s not about the coins.

Shareef has also collected a lot of awards, like the trophies you get when you win a game. These trophies are for being an amazing teacher. You helped everyone feel that they could be a science and math superhero too. He shows us that the biggest win is making sure everyone gets to play and learn together.

Shareef Jackson Hobbies

  • Shareef Jackson loves playing video games, just like many of us do! He enjoys the adventure and challenge they bring, and he learns new things from them too.
  • He likes to look up at the stars and imagine all the cool stuff that’s out in space. It’s like his own space adventure without leaving home.
  • Shareef also enjoys reading books, especially ones about cool science facts and amazing math puzzles. He loves to share fun facts with friends and family.
  • He likes to go on walks and hikes, enjoying nature and the outdoors. It’s a way for him to relax and think about new ideas for teaching.
  • Making music playlists is another fun thing he does. He picks songs that make him feel happy and ready to learn or teach.

Interesting Facts about Shareef Jackson

  • Shareef Jackson loves to solve big puzzles, not just on paper but in real life too, like figuring out how to make more kids love math.
  • He once made a video game level that teaches you math while you play. How cool is that?
  • Shareef can speak more than one language, which helps him teach even more kids around the world.
  • He has a big collection of comic books because he loves stories about heroes who save the day, just like he does with STEM.
  • Every year, Shareef tries to learn something new, not just in science or math, but anything like cooking or painting.
  • He has a pet who he says is the best study buddy for reading or solving math problems together.
  • Shareef has visited schools in many different places to talk about how fun science and math can be.


Q; How did Shareef Jackson become a teacher and scientist?

A; He studied hard in school and learned a lot about math and science. Then he decided he wanted to share his love of learning with others.

Q; What is “STEM Diversity”?

A; It’s a special blog where Shareef shares stories and tips on how to make science, technology, engineering, and math fun and open for everyone.

Q; Does Shareef play video games?

A; Yes, he loves playing video games! He even talks about them on his podcast “Spawn On Me” and thinks they can help us learn.

Q; Can Shareef speak more than one language?

A; Yes, he can! This helps him teach even more kids around the world.

Q; What does Shareef like to do for fun?

A; He enjoys looking at the stars, reading books, going on nature walks, making music playlists, and playing with his pet.


Shareef Jackson is a superhero who doesn’t wear a cape but uses his brain and heart to make the world a better place. He shows us that math and science are not just about numbers and experiments but about bringing people together and making dreams come true.

Shareef teaches us to be curious, to ask questions, and to share what we learn with others. He reminds us that it’s cool to be kind and that learning is a journey we can all enjoy together. So, let’s follow Shareef’s lead and be curious, kind, and ready to learn new things every day. Because when we work together, we can make the world a brighter place for everyone.


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