Valery Lameignère Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Valery Lameignère may not be a household name, but he gained recognition through his high-profile marriage to American actress Molly Ringwald. However, beyond his personal life, little is known about this French writer. Born in the late 1960s, Lameignère’s age is estimated to be in his early 50s as of 2021. He has written several French novels, but they have not gained significant attention.

Before marrying Ringwald in 1999, he worked as a production driver in the TV movie “Tattle Tale.” The couple’s marriage was short-lived, and they divorced in 2002. Since then, Lameignère has kept a low profile, and little is known about his current personal or professional life. With no notable public relationships since his divorce, his family and net worth remain a mystery. Standing at an unknown height, Valery Lameignère’s bio is filled with many unanswered questions, leaving fans curious about what the future holds for this elusive writer.

Who is Valery Lameignère?

Valery Lameignère is a man from France who wrote some books. He became famous because he married Molly Ringwald, an actress from America. They met in a beautiful city in France and decided to get married in a small village called Arcachon.

But, after a few years, they decided they didn’t want to be married anymore. Valery used to help make TV shows before he married Molly. He drove cars for a TV movie once! After he and Molly went their separate ways, Valery decided to stay out of the spotlight. That means he didn’t want to be famous or talk to many people about his life. We don’t know much about what he does now, but he once had a very interesting story.

Early Life and Education

Valery Lameignère was born in a place called France, which is very far away if you’re living in America. France is known for its yummy food like croissants and cheese! When Valery was a little boy, he probably went to school like you. In school, he might have learned to read and write, and maybe that’s where he started loving stories so much.

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We don’t know exactly where he went to school or what his favorite subject was, but imagine if it was writing stories or drawing! Maybe when he was about your age, he already knew he wanted to write books. But remember, even if we don’t know every little detail about when he was young, we can guess he was once a kid just like you, full of dreams and fun ideas!

Parents and Siblings

Valery Lameignère grew up in France, which is a country far away across the ocean. We don’t know much about his mom and dad or if he has brothers and sisters. Imagine living in a place where you might eat cheese, bread, and maybe even snails! Maybe Valery played games with his siblings if he had any, like tag or hide and seek, in a place where lots of famous stories come from.

Just like in your family, Valery’s parents and siblings, if he has them, are a special part of his life. They might have watched him write his first story or cheered for him when he did something great. Even though we don’t know their names or what they’re like, they’re part of Valery’s story, just like your family is part of yours.

Wife and Girlfriend

Valery Lameignère was once married to a lady named Molly Ringwald, who acts in movies and is very pretty. She comes from a place called America. Valery and Molly met in a big, beautiful city in France and thought they liked each other a whole lot.

Valery Lameignère Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

So, they decided to have a big party called a wedding in a small town with lots of trees and pretty buildings. They were married for a little while, but then they found out they didn’t want to stay married. They didn’t have any children together. Since they stopped being married, Valery hasn’t talked much about having a girlfriend or getting married again. It seems like he likes to keep his life very private, which means he doesn’t share a lot about who he might love now.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Valery Lameignère, a man who comes from the beautiful country of France, is quite a mystery when it comes to his age, how much he weighs, and how tall he is. Imagine someone whose birthday we kind of know, making him over 50 years old now, but we’re not sure how many candles he blows out on his cake! We don’t know how tall he is, but picture a grown-up who might need to bend down to walk through small doorways or be just the right height to reach things on high shelves.

His weight is also a secret, like a number that’s hidden away in a treasure chest. What he looks like isn’t talked about much, but imagine someone who might wear cozy sweaters and have a friendly smile. Even though we can’t draw a picture of him in our minds perfectly, we know Valery has his unique look, just like everyone else in the world.


Valery Lameignère started doing something pretty neat before he became a little famous. He didn’t just write books, but he also worked on making a TV movie. Imagine driving around, picking up things, and helping actors get where they need to go. That’s what Valery did! He was a production driver for a TV movie called “Tattle Tale.” It sounds like a fun job, doesn’t it? Driving cars and being part of a team that makes stories come alive on the screen.

After that, he decided to write his own stories and became a writer of books. Even though not many people talk about his books, it’s still cool he made his dreams of writing come true. Writing stories is like painting with words, and Valery paints his pictures in the books he writes.

Valery Lameignère Social Media Presence

Valery Lameignère is like a ninja on the internet – you know ninjas, right? They move quietly and keep themselves hidden. Well, Valery does something similar because he’s not easy to find on social media. Social media is where people share pictures and stories, and talk about what they’re doing. But Valery? He’s like a secret ninja, choosing not to share much online. It’s like he’s playing a big game of hide and seek, and he’s good at hiding.

So, if you’re trying to find him on places like Instagram or Twitter to see what he’s up to, it’s a bit tricky. He prefers keeping his life private, away from the big, noisy online world where everyone shares everything.

Valery Lameignère Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Net Worth and Achievement

Valery Lameignère’s net worth is like a big secret treasure chest that hasn’t been opened yet, so we’re not exactly sure how much money he has. But, earning money is something adults do by working hard, like when Valery wrote his books or when he was helping out on a TV movie set.

As for achievements, think of them like the gold stars you get in school for doing something great. Valery got his gold stars by writing stories and putting his imagination onto paper, which is a pretty cool thing to do. Even though we might not know about any trophies sitting on his shelf, writing books is a big achievement. Just imagine creating a whole world with words – that’s what Valery did, and it’s like magic!

Valery Lameignère Hobbies

  • Valery might love to write stories, just like when you draw or write about your adventures.
  • He could enjoy reading big books filled with exciting tales or quiet walks in places that look like the stories he writes.
  • Maybe he likes to cook yummy French food, like the tasty croissants or cheese you’d find in France.
  • Valery may enjoy watching movies, especially the ones that make you laugh or feel like you’re on an adventure.
  • He might also like traveling to new places, seeing things he’s never seen before, and then writing about them.
  • Perhaps Valery enjoys painting or drawing, creating pictures that tell stories without needing any words at all.
  • Playing music could be another hobby, where he makes beautiful tunes that sound like the background of a fairy tale.

Interesting Facts about Valery Lameignère

  • Valery once had a job driving cars for a TV movie. That means he got to help actors get to where they were filming!
  • He wrote books in French, which is a language spoken in France. Writing books is like telling big, long stories.
  • Valery married an actress from America but they didn’t stay married. They had a big wedding in a pretty French town.
  • Not many people talk about Valery’s books, but he still made his dream of writing come true. That’s special!
  • Even though he’s a bit of a mystery man, Valery has done some cool things like working in movies and writing stories.
  • He’s good at keeping secrets, especially about what he’s doing now. It’s like he’s playing a giant game of hide and seek!
  • Valery’s life shows that sometimes adults have adventures, too, just like in the stories you read or make up.


Q; Who is Valery Lameignère?

A; He is a writer from France and used to be married to a famous actress.

Q; Did Valery have any children with Molly Ringwald?

A; No, they didn’t have any kids together.

Q; What does Valery do?

A; He writes books and once helped make a TV movie.

Q; Is Valery on the internet like Instagram or Twitter?

A; No, he likes to keep his life private, so he’s hard to find.

Q; How old is Valery?

A; He’s over 50 years old now.

Q; Does Valery have any brothers or sisters?

A; We’re not sure, he keeps his family life very private.

Q; What are some things Valery might like to do?

A; He could enjoy reading, writing, cooking French food, or watching movies.


In our journey to learn about Valery Lameignère, we found out he’s quite a mystery man from France. He loves writing stories and once worked on a TV movie, which is super cool. He also married a famous actress but now likes to keep his life very private. We don’t know much about his family, how much money he has, or even what he looks like! But we do know he has done some exciting things, like writing books and being a part of movie-making.

Remember, even though we can’t find lots of information about Valery, everyone has their own special story, just like him. And who knows? Maybe one day, we’ll learn more about his adventures and the new stories he’s writing!


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