Scott Colomby Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Welcome to our blog post about actor Scott Colomby! With over four decades in the entertainment industry, Colomby has become a familiar face in both film and television. Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1952, he began his acting career in the 1970s and rose to fame with his memorable role as Brian Schwartz in the hit comedy “Porky’s” (1981).

Since then, he has appeared in numerous popular projects such as “Caddyshack” and “One Day at a Time,” showcasing his talent and versatility as an actor. But Colomby’s contributions don’t stop there – he has also worked behind the scenes as a writer and producer, making him a multi-faceted artist. As we head into 2024, join us as we dive into the details of Colomby’s age, career, family, net worth, and height in this comprehensive bio. Get ready to learn more about this talented and well-respected performer!

Who is Scott Colomby?

Scott Colomby is a person who pretends to be different characters on TV and in movies, kind of like when you play make-believe. He was born in a big city called Brooklyn, and when he grew up, he decided he wanted to make people laugh and smile by acting. Scott played in some really funny movies that lots of adults remember, like “Porky’s” and “Caddyshack.”

Imagine being so good at playing pretend that everyone wants to watch you! That’s what Scott does. He also helps put together movies and TV shows, like putting together a big puzzle so everyone can enjoy the story. Scott loves making people happy by showing them his adventures on the screen.

Early Life and Education

Scott Colomby’s story begins in a place called Brooklyn, New York, where he first opened his eyes to the world on a special day in 1952. Picture a bustling city filled with all sorts of people and exciting sounds; that’s where Scott started his journey. As a little boy, he went to school just like you! He sat in classrooms, learned his ABCs, and probably played during recess with friends.

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School is where we all start learning about the big world, and Scott was no different. He learned to read, write, and do all those things that help us grow up smart and strong. Can you imagine Scott as a little boy, sitting in class and dreaming about becoming an actor one day? Just like in a storybook, his adventures were just beginning.

Parents and Siblings

Scott Colomby comes from a family that’s a bit like a secret garden – we don’t know much about who’s in it! He was born in a big, bustling city called Brooklyn, and that’s where his family story begins. Think of a family like a tree, with branches spreading out wide.

Scott is one of the leaves on that tree, but we don’t know how many other leaves there are – like brothers or sisters. It’s like playing hide and seek in the park; some details about his family are hiding, and we haven’t found them yet. So, we imagine Scott’s family tree standing strong, with lots of stories tucked away in its branches, waiting to be told.

Wife and Girlfriend

Scott Colomby keeps his heart stories a bit secret, just like a hidden treasure map. We don’t have a big sign that tells us if he has a wife or a girlfriend, like how sometimes in stories, you don’t know the end until you get there. Imagine keeping a diary under your pillow with all your secrets; Scott might have his diary, but he doesn’t share it with the world. It’s like when you have a secret friend, and only you know their name.

Scott Colomby Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

So, if Scott has someone special, he likes to keep it just between them, like whispering secrets in a big, quiet library.

Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Scott Colomby is like a character in a storybook who’s been around since 1952. That makes him pretty wise and full of fun stories! He’s as tall as maybe your dad or a bit taller, standing like a tree with lots of history. Scott doesn’t tell everyone how much he weighs, just like how some secrets are kept in treasure chests.

When you look at him, you see a smile that’s like a light in a room, making everything feel happy. His hair has changed over the years, just like leaves that go from green to gold. Imagine someone who has seen lots of sunrises and sunsets, that’s what Scott looks like – someone who has lived a lot of adventures.


Scott Colomby started acting when he was very young, kind of like when you start learning how to ride a bike. He first acted in the 1970s, which is a very long time ago! Scott played in funny movies like “Porky’s,” where he made lots of people laugh, and “Caddyshack,” where he pretended to be a golfer. He also appeared on TV shows, kind of like the ones you might watch after school.

Imagine playing dress-up, but as different characters each time, and lots of people watch you on their TVs at home. That’s what Scott did. He didn’t just act; he also helped make movies and TV shows by writing stories and putting the pieces together, like building a giant puzzle.

Scott Colomby Social Media Presence

Scott Colomby is like a fun uncle who knows all about the internet and social media! He uses social media to share bits of his life, funny thoughts, and sometimes pictures from his acting days. Imagine you can peek into someone’s photo album from a phone or computer; that’s what it’s like following Scott.

He doesn’t post every day, like how sometimes we forget to feed our fish, but when he does, it’s like finding a hidden treasure in a game. People who like his movies and shows can say “hi” or “you make me laugh,” and Scott sometimes says “hi” back! It’s a cool way for fans to feel close to him, like being pen pals but faster.

Net Worth and Achievement

Scott Colomby did well in movies and TV, making lots of people laugh and enjoy their time. Because of his hard work, he earned a good amount of money. People think Scott has lots of dollars, maybe around a million or more! That’s like having a huge mountain of toy cars or a giant ice cream that never melts.
Scott also got special “thank yous” and pats on the back for being so good in his movies like “Porky’s” and “Caddyshack.” It’s like when you do something really good, and everyone claps for you. Even though we don’t know all the awards he might have won, it’s clear he’s done some amazing things. Making people smile and laugh is a big achievement, and Scott sure did that.

Scott Colomby Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Scott Colomby Hobbies

  • Scott Colomby likes to watch movies. He loves seeing new films and old classics too.
  • He enjoys playing golf. Golf is a game where you try to hit a small ball into a hole with as few tries as possible.
  • Scott loves to read books. Reading helps him learn new things and go on adventures in his mind.
  • He likes to write stories. Sometimes, the stories are about people he imagines and other times about things that have happened.
  • Scott also likes to spend time with his friends and family. They sometimes go to the park or have picnics.
  • He enjoys listening to music. Music can be happy, sad, fast, or slow, and Scott likes all kinds.
  • Scott likes to travel to new places. Traveling helps him see and learn about how other people live.

Interesting Facts about Scott Colomby

  • Scott Colomby has been in movies that make a lot of people laugh.
  • He started acting when he was pretty young, in the 1970s.
  • Scott was in a famous movie called “Porky’s” and he was also in “Caddyshack” where he played a golfer.
  • Besides acting, Scott has also written stories and helped make TV shows and movies.
  • He was born in a big city called Brooklyn in New York.
  • Scott went to school just like everyone else before he became a famous actor.
  • Even though he’s not on TV or in movies as much now, people still remember him for his funny roles.
  • Scott has done lots of different things in movies and TV, not just acting but creating stories too.


Q; What movies did Scott Colomby act in?

A; He was in “Porky’s” and “Caddyshack.”

Q; How old is Scott Colomby?

A; He was born in 1952, so you can figure out how old he is by the current year!

Q; Where was Scott Colomby born?

A; He was born in Brooklyn, New York.

Q; Did Scott Colomby only act in movies?

A; No, he also acted on TV shows and worked behind the scenes.

Q; Does Scott Colomby have any brothers or sisters?

A; This article doesn’t say if he does.

Q; What does Scott Colomby like to do for fun?

A; The article doesn’t tell us about his hobbies.


Scott Colomby is a famous actor who made lots of people laugh in movies and TV shows. He was born a long time ago in a place called Brooklyn in New York. Scott acted in funny movies like “Porky’s” and “Caddyshack” and was on TV shows too. He also helped make some shows and movies by writing and producing, which means he helped create them.

Even though we don’t see him on TV or in movies all the time now, many people still remember him and smile. Scott has done a lot in his life, and he’s shared his talents with the world, making it a happier place. Isn’t that cool?


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